New Header on xriders spec!

Well today, Rob and his buddy helped me install a nice new Header on his Spec, and let me tell you it sounds mean, but I’ll let him elaborate on the rest, cause I’m sure he started to cream his pants when he got it out on the highway :finga:

What kind of header was it?

I’m curious to know Xriders opinion on it. I know it made me pretty excited the first time I flattened the gas pedal. :smiley:

Fuck i love these things, it makes my car sound sso much meaner, and yah i can notice a nice nice diffrence. thanks nick! all during my shift at work i was trying to get cut early so i could go home and drive, i put about 50km on it and was so hapy cause i figured i had the ‘rare’ spec that the SES light ddin’t come on, right as i thoguht that she goes on! oh well. but yes eveyorne says headers are awsome,a nd its true true my fave mod so far.
its cool cause they were shiny and when they heat up they go anodized look. its quite nice.
header: T-pros ( 250$ brand new from fullblown! Awsome deal by the way josh, thanks to whoever didn’t pick them up. now i want some camshafts…it will never end, wonder how im going to save for school :partyman:

Glad to hear you are impressed with the headers.

Thank Megan Racing for sending me too much stock.

Bring it by the shop sometime!


Well, if I sell my Spec I’ll let you know about the Cams. Not that I’m really thinking about doing it anytime soon, but I like keeping my options open.

And dude, get yourself a ghetto sim 3000 from the VBoard! It’ll cost $10 USD and get rid of that pesky SES light. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was quite impressed by the sound of your Spec it does sound mean, I think it’s almost deeper than mine. Anyways have fun mashin the pedal to the floor for the time being, cause soon there’s going to be snow and you will run out of time till the roads dry up from being so cold that ice doesn’t even stay :finga:

I had my Hotshot on for almost 2 years and never saw an SES light. :finga:

Really makes the top end pull though huh?

Thanks for the header… :E The SES light came on about 20Kms after i installed it. I got the Gheto Sim 3000 of the VBoard and havn’t seen the light since.

Oh and Kris I remember saying i had dibs on all your mods if you sold it…

I guess the wideband 04+ models can’t be tricked to believe all is well as easily as the 02-03.

yah i have to get that ghetto sim, the damn SES light is driving me insane. and its so nice outside i have been driving around so much, cause i know the snow is coming…again :vom:

We NEED pics :E

Actually the ghetto sim on my car has worked flawlessly since day one. The only time I get the SES is when the car tilts away from the drivers side on the road surface, occasionally I get a p301 cyl 1 misfire code due to the cams, but it goes away within 3 startups and doesn’t occur on a regular basis.

Ok Ryan, I’ll let you know if I start parting the car. :wink:

If I were you the next thing that I would look at putting in your car is the JWT Balancer Shaft Removal Kit. Oh and your Motor Mounts!! But you will really notice right off the bat much, much, much smoother acceleration and transitions, between gears, plus it adds some nice gains, almost as much as camshafts. Don’t be like these other pussies (you know who you are :finga: ) I LOVED this mod when I got it done, it made a huge difference in the feel of the car.

Hey, I have the BSR Kit. :finga:

It’s right under my desk. :E Just haven’t gotten around to it quite yet. :slight_smile:

I’m scared to do the BSR… Don’t know why but I think that will be one of the last mods I remvoe befor going to somthing bigger “TURBO” or “VQPOWER”

Nice you finally broke down, you’ll love it when you put it in, but you’ll also love your SAFC when you get it tuned, do you even have that bish in your car yet?

Awwww man I’m falling behind again… Kris just sell me your SAFC II your just going to sell it to me later anyway :lol:

Well who k nows what i’ll do next, but im gunna get those MMI in, i am goign to attempt it after i get back from scottsdale, nicks step by step instructions should help alot!
but i got some pics of the header, heres it b4 it changed colour, and is all shiny and brand new
and heres it all cool and anodized metal looking
and herees the engine bay cause why not
heres the big ugly asshole of a stock header

and heres my car cause i put my rims back on, cause its going to be nice until sat or sunday yay! anyone else do this yet?

Yep I put my summers back on well atleast till friday… :E

K guys, lets try and keep the threads on topic, hey X hows your car running, I saw it at West End Nissan the other night, everything alright?

Oh and all the previous posts have been moved to here:
But you guys are all smart enough to figure that out.