New Indoor GoCart Track in Amherst

god danmit, I need to get back there my time is falling off the top 25

7th for me yay i would have been fastest for the day if Scott the guy who works there didnt run laps

oh and about my clothes, sorry I dont like dressing like a slob everyday and I’m required to wear nice clothes for work

A few pics from Pauly, actually his kids:

You sure you want to eat before we race? :slight_smile: But I’m in for it. Or maybe race, then beer and wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. Hmmm, maybe Wednesday night this week?

God this is fun, but boy you really do get kinda beat up, after 2 runs, Im pretty sore, Im a skinny guy but still, what a blast though

My back hurts so bad. it’s all beat red and raw in some spots like a brush burn. then again i got the shit kicked out of me in multiple accidents lol.

same here…it feels like i have a brush burn right above my ass lol


Def. was a lot of fun. Look forward to going again soon.



Defensive much? LOL. :ohnoes::ohnoes::ohnoes::ohnoes::ohnoes::ohnoes: Please don’t try and battle when it comes to the prevalence of your work, a majority of the day crew has you “covered.”

Ugh I couldn’t get out yesterday, but I wanna hit it up again soon. Gimme a hollar the next time you are going up, and vice versa :beer:


Stupid youtube screwing with the quality.

Fucking awesome!

From the video and pics there is barely any rubber laid down. Just wait.

Nice, Hmmm, it looks like everyone gets sidways coming out of that second corner off of the back strech, its fun but it seems to slow you down alot and Im yet to find a way to be faster through there.

I wasnt sideways in T3. :wiggle:

2nd to last lap on the video looked really strong. I don’t have sound to hear if when you were getting off throttle but it looked strong.

nice vid mike. what kind of helmet cam were you useing?

mpd, offer that video to the owners so they can put it on their website, then have them kick you back some free runs :slight_smile:

seriously my back stil lhurts and i went saturday lol

I wanna go again