Raif finally goes 9s!!!!!


A properly working and installed double pumper (that includes the proper lines, electrical connection, rail, injectors, etc) will fuel the car in question. 100 percent. No questions, I don’t care who thinks different, they are wrong.

So I haven’t turned a wrench on my car? Hmm, so it converted itself to E85 itself then? Huh, news to me. Not to mention the many days/nights that I’ve put into the pile of parts (which it was when I got it) to make it right. Oh yeah, another figment of my imagination. Don’t hate because I stole the car and have the electrical/mechanical knowledge to re-assemble it correctly (still some things to do but it’s came a LONG way).

One thing you do have correct though is I do have some bank. If you’re so confident that I’ll run 11’s, I’ll bet you $1000 dollars that I’ll make a 10 second pass on my first trip to the track. Deal? Probably won’t go 9’s I’ve got no problem admitting that.

With warm regards,