new jetta tdi

The AWD drivetrain penalty mpg wise would make it stupid to own one.

people who buy tdi’s aren’t interested in performance.

And in my personal experience, a FWD car with full on snows will do better in the snow than a AWD car with all seasons.

simple. spinning tires means your not making good use of power, AWD is fun in the snow, AWD handles better than front drive, quatro fucking rocks and front wheel drive is gay. I want a AWD car that gets good gas mpg. I don’t give a damn if it doesn’t get 45-50mpg. I will take 35-40 with AWD and drive it with a smile.

right now the only thing that fits what I want is a full size truck with a diesel and proper mods to push 20-25mpg but I don’t need a truck. see my delima? If I could get a A4 or A6 tdi I would also very much enjoy that but the US doesn’t get those.