New law coming next year?

So I was talking to my guy that dose e tests and apparently by next year if the vin of the engine doesn’t
Match the body of the car they have to report it and your car gets seized and destroyed.
Can anyone confirm this because if this is true I guess we are all screwed. Even the big bad mussel boys.

They want to crack down on engine swaps and modded cars he said.

That would just go to show the new power house that’s coming in and taking control of all of us and are freedom of rights away from us. Time to stop with the pussy protests of signs they just laugh at us. Replace the signs with full auto aks and then change will happen.

@bing ?

I don’t see how they can size your property and destroy it over a mismatched vin. Motors blow all the time and get fresh swaps. But how knows. :gotme:

Move to America land of the free?

I’d like to see how far you’ll get on your quest for change when you start walking around with “full auto aks”…

IIRC in the US if the engine is newer and meets emissions requirements you’re fine.

Well I got an sr swap the motor is from jappan. This will really suck for alot of people. And to quote you if all those people in the states right now protesting were walking around with aks, and explosives, running alot of planned attacks. Believe me it would work, that’s what it will come down to one day the war will be against the people. Not terrorists or some 3rd world country. It will be amaricans killings amaricans just history repeating itself once again

Canadians creep me out. [sarcasm]There you have my generalization of the week.[/sarcasm]

lol, back on topic. I’ve searched and can’t find any Canadian law saying something this is a law coming to Canada.

You just described Iraq and Afganistan.

Good job.

Don’t you worry your looney and tooneys there, no ones coming to take your vroom vrooms.

Who are you calling an Amarican and where is Jappan?

Yup, it’s true. They are going to destroy your car because the vin number doesn’t match the engine. Sounds legit.

Duh bonehed. It’s near Ostralia.


      • Updated - - -

Anyways lets just all hope for the best. # 1 we get to keep our cars # 2 the new world order and the next revolution doesn’t happen anytime zoom hahahahah

Move to northern Ontario where etests aren’t required?

this aint happening.

there are plenty of legit reasons why your engine wouldnt match the VIN.

if you’re caught with an engine that was stolen that is a different thing entirely.


A law like that would kill the automotive industry. It would basically make any kind of major repair on a vehicle impossible and cause and major motor repair to total out the vehicle. We’d be buried in a sea of cars with blown motors in a matter of no time and half the country’s populous would be without cars because a $1500 used motor is a lot less cheaper than a brand new car.

I can however see them requiring cars to have motors that were only available in that vehicles model generation installed in them across the board. Such as no LS7 in a 98-02 Trans am.

I think it’s time to ask the e-test guy what his source is.

Yeah, I’m almost positive that starting with anything OBDII, it has to be the same model year or newer.

This post is ridiculous if you think about it for 3 seconds.

I mean, what would us rotary owners do? We’d never be able to drive our cars.

Actually, we can’t drive our cars half the time anyways.

I think hot rod swaps go up to either 1999 or 2003 in ontario so, this possible siezure would be for only more recent cars past the cut off year for hot rod I think. if this law is in the making, guys and gals had better register even their old engine swapped cars just to be safe . it only takes a week or so to register your car as a hot rod and is well worth it