new local domestic tuner

Personal differences aside, at least all the local tOOners can agree that trying to modify a Ford is a lost cause:tongue

Looovvee how the 518 tuners run their businesses. Hilarity ensues every time. And now a dealership is in on the fun!

Fuck off herb


wonder if howard will toon my cutlass


yah except one of the fastest cars on this site just so happen to be a ford.

Yea my mustangs pretty badass

Good man :thumbup
+rep & RLHJ

oh shit , does this mean im gettin older

For some reason I don’t think he ever see’s the whole thing then, and if he does, well, quite surprising from a business owners standpoint. After talking to Howard in person, I do know hes one of those “let people talk their shit, were still making money” and thats good for him, he can pick and choose WHAT HE wants to work on, and props to him for that, many shops would love to be able to work on all nice cars and not be fixing someone else’s mistakes.

Regardless I wouldn’t want my employees knocking on other peoples shit, making threats even when their extremely vague and telling everyone to fuck off. Who the fuck would even want to pick up the phone after the read something like that?

Not that it matters, as I said Redline has a following, lots of good work comes out of there, and well the people with the money to pay for it probably won’t give a shit, its just the principal.

Tony, I don’t know you at all, but when it comes to repping your shop, I really think you need to take a step back, a few deep breaths and really think about what your saying and how it makes the shop look before you go posting. Things such as the “your done” comment can be miss interpreted by people and makes yourself and the business look bad.

double post FTL

and dumber!

and his meatpaws are getting meatier.

my hands aint meaty … there husky lol

big boned

i got a big bone for ya

Thats a lie

made u squeel , ya little bitch

ok this thread sucks now

go back and read from the the first or second page, i WAS NOT the one who said anything about “your done”, i stated facts that were true from the first page, and look where we are now!? What i said on the first page was the truth and i was right all along…