new local domestic tuner

I would keep in mind that it wasn’t intentionally false, and definitely not with malicious intent.

if you talk shit about redline you’re “done.”

yah, I am curious as to what this “your done” theory is all about.

are B42 Bombers going to drop heat seakers from above and take us all out?


I’m actually surprised Howard allows for you guys to “represent” his business the way you do. To have a couple of goons going around saying “Your done” if you piss Howard off, on a local forum which anyone could stumble onto if they were to type in “Redline Motorsports” in any one of several search sites, looking for info as potential buyers of his product… Odd way you chose to help him out.

I wonder if Howard is aware of your tactics and how it makes his business look?

Ive wondered this as well, Ive met Howard a few times and he was very friendly and helpful but his supporters on this website make RLMS look terrible.

ok guys , i hate doin this but i got the shit confused with the dealers . it happens and im sorry . dan carlton i think the way im saying stuff on the comp and how i meant it are 2 diff things , i never meant it as you failed salsbury at all i meant im happy for ya that it finally worked for you after other attempts . there was no malicousness involved like i said . i dont know ya so how can i 100% judge ya . that bein said can we please just let the redline bullshit go i made this thread to support coppola motorsports not another shitfest . once again im sorry for MY fuck up

Props for admitting a mistake, something RARE on this site


forget that

Props for John using the word “maliciousness”

well in a way i kinda got all this shit goin . i fucked up and i can admit it .


I think the “your done” thing meant that when Howard gets pissed at someone he is “done” with them and there cars, i highly doubt it was meant to be some sort of threat, i think maybe Joey mis communicated…

Understandable but mixing your personal feelings into your business decisions makes for drama. Hey, if Howard is so busy that he can simply turn away business based on his personal feelings for a person that is great for him.

The only problem with that is that person is going to leave with a bad taste for RLMS and that negativity is going to spread like wildfire. Proof is in this very thread. He pushed some people the wrong way and they are making it known.

In conclusion, I would never mix my personal feelings towards someone and business. You are not only losing that person as a customer, but you are also spreading a bad name for yourself.

What these guys said…

Howard seems like good people in person, wonder if he ever see’s how you guys talk about the business and anyone who dares say otherwise…

^ Howard is well aware of this site and this thread…i promise

Not just the site and this thread, but the comments that you and others who represent RLMS have said in the past whether they exist anymore or not (as in were deleted/changed)

wheres the popcorn when you need it!!!

yes sir, anytime a RLMS shit show starts he knows all about it, sometime faster than me, there are pleanty of people who lurk on here and the word spreads like wild fire.

These threads always deliver

all these gm and import tuners but still nobody fucking around with Fords.