New moderators in need?

Since when did online car forums become a right? They are a priviledge, if you dont like the way things are run dont come here. This isnt a perfect world, ofcourse some people are going to favor others and some members will get more heat brought down upon them then others but thats just the way life is.

You wont be the first or the last to complain about moderators but one things forsure you aint gonna change shit because this place is run just fine for 95% of the members. If it wasnt then this board would be dead but its not.

Just curious…Have you paid to be become a premium member here? If not than this post shouldnt even exist.


If I was an english teacher I would be under cardiac arrest right now.

  1. Threads in Front Desk don’t get locked. It’s a place for
    people to express their opinions on the club without being locked

  2. shawn240 was baned for excessive douche baggery in
    an attempt to egg on the moderator with his spelling
    antics. Clearly I wasn’t amused. :squint:

  3. This forum, as KoukiS14 said is a priveledge; if you don’t like it here, leave.

  4. The moderators are doing a great job.

  5. I get annoyed with having to clean up threads, but as a
    moderator, I feel it’s a duty. We can’t be monitoring
    everyone’s thread all the time. If you have a problem you
    PM a mod about it. I get enough request from people asking
    for threads to be cleaned up or closed.

On a file note, I’m going to start whipping out the ban stick
on anyone who I feel is crossing the line. I encourage my fellow
moderators to do the same. 1-week temp ban ought to set people straight.

douche baggery is a sweet word, i think i will ad this to my arsonal


this thread makes be blink in disbelief… i cant believe it actually happened.

I defended you guys, I know what kind of shit you go through.

yes bingy…those wierd blood thirsty cannibal raving douche baggery (copyright of Gonad) post whoring people you only hear about from stories and myths

there real…

Hey don’t feel bad Mike, I’m on Brandon’s shit list too. Though I prefer it that way, given the company he keeps. Why is it that the members who don’t contribute to our community are the ones with all the problems?


As far as the grade 3 drop out goes: At least it won’t be hard to see if/when he comes back; unless he secretly gets Hooked on Phonics v4.0.2 and makes a successful attempt at a grade 4 writing level.

Also, I think the boards are just fine they way they are.

could not have been said better.

“hey guys, i dont own a 240sx but i think your 240sx community is shit and i think you should make changes to it. your leadership of 240sx owners who have years of involvement in the community are not properly equipped to run a 240sx community, you should listen to me.”

that goes for soooo many people it isnt funny… and i am not even talking about anyone who has posted in this thread.

if people dont like the content on the forums then perhaps they should offer content that is worthwhile.

the content is not at the behest of administrators, it is posted by the users.

Why would people post about things they dont want to discuss?

I sold my 240 to S13GG, but I’m still on the site because the mods cut a lot of the crap out. Personally, I think the site is tightening down on bullsh!t and I’m grateful for it. Every site goes through its growing pains.

I’ve met a few members and it’s not hard to distinguish the slag members from the helpful ones. Thankfully, most are helpful.

I’m thinking of getting a 240 again, to build up next year, and there is a lot of good information and contacts/people on this site. That is why I still contribute.

Good job gents, and keep up the good work.

how do you become a mod anyways? is the selection random do you apply how does it work?

but anyways for what its worth Son has done a great job with the new site and mods. And dealing with all types of people. props to everyone.

also if people complain about a thread there is a report post button you can click on and mods can see and then review it… its not hard. top right corner of the post next to the post #

If you are pwnji you’ll be invited to a top secret meeting in a classified location and some guy with brown skin will propose the possibility modship to you.

question was directed to a mod or admin…

You don’t apply and the selection isn’t random.
If we are in need of additional help, we’ll come up with a few candidates ourselves.
After a discussion we choose who is(are) the winner(s).

awsome thanx for the info.

Granted they want the job.

Ill be a MOD, and holy crap a Spell Check??? WOW

I’m not going to use it.

obviously. id ask but im to busy with my site… takes way to much time.

well spell check is mostly for the wanna be thugs i guess who cant speak nor type proper english. I have some typos but nothing no one cant understand.