Thats weird, I wonder why alot of companies are selling a “dual pass endplate” as an upgrade, and why cobalt guys are considering them a mod then.
What does the New Era Cobalt have?
stock HE has in/outlet on the bottem endtank with a diviter inside, the other endtank (upper) connect them. Suck that its sandwitched between the engine coolent rad. and AC condencer. To help regulate the IC fuild off engine coolent.
new era cobalt has our stage2 package, with a CTi longtube header, (thats not a huge gain at current power levels)
We just added it’s section back on the site,after it got lost over winter. Still have to add the mod list and more info, on the past dyno number/tracktimes/mods. And today its goning back on the dyno with 60’s we maxed the 42.5s
And it as some more custom things I did that, that hopfully we’ll have available soon.
:tspry: LSJ…keep your eyes out for a popular magazine article:snky: sorry for the hyjack