New Pittspeed Layout

Sorry if this has been addressed before, but I haven’t been on recently.

This new layout/theme/whatever is awful. The previous one (that was good enough for half a decade) was far superior.

The new vb 4.0 kicks ass its alot better then the old style. I got my site upgraded and I love it. The white and blue on here needs to go but other then that I like the new style.


I like the older one too, but I’ve adjusted to this one. I agree with Sam about the colors.


at first i thought it was gay, but now that im used to it its got alot cooler features i’ve noticed

this just in, posting moral is way down due to the new layout

fixed for ya.

i’m new but i like this layout. makes me use all the 22inch screen thou.

It’s goofy, sometimes the text is all over the place, can’t decipher it. a hiccup similar to new car models
More using it I LIKE IT, The color has to go for sure. Agree with ears, black is badass.

Using opera so it’s just me. But wow VB 3.8.x was awesome.

Overall I like this vb alot better, seems more streamlined then the past version. Shaggy I think the problem your having is because your using Opera, I know it sucks but no one looks at Opera for optimization.

I need to get the ball rolling again with working with the whole scheme of things again, hopefully i’ll be getting some free time here soon…I hope.

Everything is peachy on Safari

still the same people…no care