NEW PIX my truck was broken into...

ive never liked the city, i just got back from west herr dodge, and they priced everything to be fixed at 4600 ty geico.

So, um, as cool as it is to talk about going to hurt someone who you suspect might have done wrong to you… Whatcha gonna accomplish?


So, um, as cool as it is to talk about going to hurt someone who you suspect might have done wrong to you… Whatcha gonna accomplish?


Maybe things are different here in the Ruff-Buff but where i’m from a brooklyn ass whip’n goes a long way towards reducing stress, Shit, take out one of his windows at the very least son.


ive never liked the city, i just got back from west herr dodge, and they priced everything to be fixed at 4600 ty geico.


this is the update? wtf happened to beating cracker, i mean crackhead ass?!

major let down. :bloated:

I’m all for street justice, but never post a written record of it.

4600 bucks in damage dude?

Whats a 02 dakota worth?

Less than 9200 dollars i’d assume.

You might be flirting with a totalled car.


Maybe things are different here in the Ruff-Buff but where i’m from a brooklyn ass whip’n goes a long way towards reducing stress, Shit, take out one of his windows at the very least son.


get some powder rat poison and sell it to him as cocaine

no 02 dakota, 56000 miles, sxt, 4wd, clubcab worth more than 9, its not totaled. and kicking his ass would make me feel a shitload better.



T-up to powder rat poison and sell it to him as cocaine

c’mon man, what ended up happening in the end?