a buddy with a t bucket just got in an accident ... and hit paydirt ???

nothing like having a cop leave you pinned in your twisted fiberglass t bucket while he chats with his cop buddies at the scene …

Yup. I Just got home from the hospital. All I got was bruises and cuts, so the doc says I’ll be sore as hell tomorrow and maybe a few days after that. Needless to say, I’m F’in PISSED! Oh, I hit a cop car, BUT it was the cops fault.

I was traveling north bound on a two way street and approaching a 4 way intersection. The light was green both ways, but in this intersection,there is a left turn green as well, but you have to yield to oncoming traffic. As I approached the intersection, 2 cars turned in front of me, they had plenty of time to make it. But just as got about 10 or 15 feet to the intersection, a damn cop car turns in front of me and I hit him. Needless to say, I came to a complete halt. Me having a grip on the steering wheel and my right hand some how coming up, kept me from flying out over or through the windshield.

Now, here’s the messed up part. Yea, it gets ugly. The cop gets out of his car, runs over to me (I’m still sitting in my T Bucket dazed) and yells, “YOU RAN A RED LIGHT!”. He NEVER asked how I was or if I needed help. All he wanted to do was get out of it. We went back and forth until more units showed up. About 9 in all. I guess when he called it in, every cop in the area responded. As they showed up, each one went to their buddie to see how he was first. He’s sitting in the damn cop car with the A/C blowing and I’m pinned in my car, sitting in the sun. Thanks for the concern, fellas. In fact, after sitting around waiting for the cops to do all their investigating, he NEVER came over to say he was sorry or see how I was.

So, turns out, there was a witness and I know he told them what happened, in my favor. I didn’t get a ticket, but I got a form that I have to turn in to get reimbursed by the City of Houston, when a city vehicle messes up your property. It has a case number and all pertinent info.I called my insurance and an agent will be calling me Monday. Tomorrow, I’ll go to the storage lot and get pics.

Guys, I’m sick to my stomach. Basicly, the whole engine and tranny moved forward about 4". the motor mounts stayed attached to the frame and engine and just bent forwrd. The tranny ripped from the mount and thus pulled the driveshaft out of the rearend, I guess. Won’t know until tomorrow.

There’s something really messed up, looking at your dream, smashed to hell and knowing it wasn’t your fault. All I can do is hope this turns out well.

So, I’m still going to Galveston, Miss behavin’ won’t.

some before pics:


his brother sitting shotgun


that sucks

well i hope the guy gets his shit fixed =)

Thats fucked up. i hope your buddy gets better and get his bucket fixed.

i know a story sound just like that, long story short the cop was trying to give the kid a ticket until the witness remed him (the cop) out.

fucking “blue wall” bullshit there :frowning:

one pic so far, cant really see anything in this one, besides the fact thatthe on front tire is jacked around all weird

and the storage lot where the car is sitting is closed on sundays so theres no close up pics yet


That’s the suck. Looks like a clean vintage-style bucket, too. Not many of those running around anymore.

he got a dwb

wow that sucks ass :tdown:

I wouldn’t doubt that is why it took so long…sadly enough we still see too much of that

yea shits fucked

I wonder what was for sale at the garage sale


God. That car was HOT!

How expensive is it to build a budget rat version of one of these?
I’d never go thru with it, just curious.

you could build one for 10k and have it look pretty damn good, you could do one for 5k if you can fab stuff yourself, but it would be bare bones

That certainly sucks, looks like a cool car. I’m amazed that he remained inside the car when he hit.

That’s actually pretty awesome! :tup:

If that was hit hard enough to crack the bellhousing, it’s gonna have frame damage. That sucks something fierce.