a buddy with a t bucket just got in an accident ... and hit paydirt ???

the front subframes?!?!? are def bent. Hopefully he had adequate insurance (if the state screws him) and he can get started on a new one.

Check craigslist, there is always one for sale on there. And usually cheap. Starting to see a lot of them on the road. My relative has one. He let me drive, err beat the shit out of it. Fun cars, but the steering wheel faces too upward.

As for the one in the accident, basically the body and the rear end might be the only salvagable things. Sucks for him.

it’ll buff out

If it becomes FS lmk :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe in a few years…

but once the motor rips free, the only real weight in the vehical to make the frame bend is the rear diff, and thats not much weight for 3 x 2 x 3/16 steel tubing to take, and in all reality the rear hairpins would bend first if that was the case, and the rear hairpins are fine

i wouldnt be surprised if the frame wasnt bent

bellhousing is probably broke from the tail housing nailing the ground during the accident

Keep this updated, it’s like the only time I ever hear/see/think about buckets anymore and it brings me to a happy place.

That had to be scary, no matter how fast your going.

Is the black guy the owner? If so why is he sitting in the passenger seat?

guy in the passanger seat is the owners brother, the next pic down after that is the owner standing next to the car

and another update:

I posted this on the HAMB, but it’s for you guys too. I’m just too tired to try and write what I want to say all over again.

Well, here’s an update. I got a call this morning from my Insurance company. CHROME Insurance. Seems the local agent didn’t check a box on my paperwork and I don’t have collision coverage. Bottomline, I’m not getting any money from insurance to fix my car. I cursed and yelled and all my agent could do was ay how sorry he was. He says he’s going to make some more phone calls, but I’m not hopeful. The insurance company says they have to go by what was submitted. Lesson of the day: READ AND UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SIGN YOUR NAME TO. It may not be what you wanted or need.

On a positive note, I had a meeting with a good attorney who was recommended to me and he was VERY hopeful in getting a settlement. He’ll know more when he gets the accident report filed by the police. He’s a car guy and made me feel a little better about things, but he also mentioned that the city of Houston pays slow. I wonder how quick they would want to get paid, if the accident had been my fault? He also had an interest in how my insurance company screwed me. He thinks he may be able to do something about that too. Not money wise, just filing a formal complaint and getting them fined.

I went and saw my doctor and got more xrays. He’s concentrating on seeing if my injuries will have any long term effects. I woke up this morning and like a few people said, I was a little stiff in my knees. Not bad, but enough to get my attention.

So, tomorrow, I’m having my car towed to my job from the storage lot. A friend who is a wrecker driver is going to help me with the storage and wrecker fees.

My budget is going to be smaller than when I first built her, but I’ll just do it like I did before, one piece at a time. I want to thank everyone for the offers to help out and when I find out what the damages are and compile a list, I’ll get in touch. My target date for completing the redo is Round Up 2009. I’ll be drivin’ her there.

I’ve met a few cheats, liars and jerks the last few days. I’ve lost some respect for those who say they protect and serve, but I’ve also learned I have a lot of good friends out there and that is a great comfort. Hot Rodders are truly a breed above all others.

thats his problem he has a agent…

he should got esurance and had a egent

so because he neglected to get collision on his insurance… he feels he is being screwed by the insurance agent?

I think what happened was that he requested to get collision but apparently his agent didn’t check it off on his paperwork. It sucks for him, but he should have read over everything before signing off.


“gee this is cheap, I’ll complain later instead of making sure I’m getting the coverage I want.”

I got a call this morning from my Insurance company. CHROME Insurance. Seems the local agent didn’t check a box on my paperwork and I don’t have collision coverage. Bottomline, I’m not getting any money from insurance to fix my car.

Sounds like he is trying to make it seem like the agent made the error, not that he declined the coverage. It his words… who knows who is telling the truth

edit: wow I didn’t realize this was said 3 times already lol

same kind of deal just happened to my boss. He was stopped at a red light, cop came flying up behind him on a call and cut the corner too sharp and clipped my boss’s jeep caving in the front end.

I dont know if its some weird thing throughout the whole state of PA but when he called his insurance company they said “Police officers are immune to accidents so we have to cover the accident.” So its all getting processed through his insurance agency, i dont know if its going to effect his rates at all though.

anytime i update insurance info through Geico, no matter what the change. I get a packet mailed to me outlining all my coverages.

I guess if anything, it’s a horrible learning experience…but the blame shouldn’t be on the agent. IMO.

As an insurance agent (Not P and C) but none-the-less. I outline the entire policy on delivery and make sure the client signs off on the coverages. I also make sure they know about all the options/waivers/etc etc that are available to them. (Waiver of Premium, accidental death, Living benefit, and all other riders) Its important to be thorough. This type of mistake makes the agent look like he did a poor job and will pretty much guarantee an absense of referals in the future. Referals are probably the most critical part to my job. (I’d imagine the same thing with the local P and C agents considering everybody shops Property insurance online)

Sorry about your friends bad luck, Hope everything turns out well for him.

he didnt neglect to request collision, his agent just neglected to give it to him. but yes i agree he should have checked his policy

and i think for a car like this insurance is dirt cheap either way, so the monthly amount wouldnt have been very different w/ or w/o collision, so i doubt he would have looked at his policy and said "wow, this is like $1000 / year cheaper then i expected

more info

I took some really detailed shots of my car and wanted to share info I found about construction. maybe this will help others in their build.

In this pic, you can see how the bolt that goes through the body and into a wellnut, that is in the frame, came out. This happened on both rear sides where the body mounts. The body did not crack.


This shot shows how the tranny ripped from the rubber mount, moved forward and dropped down. Notice the shifter bent back under the body. Also note that part of a lower steering arm broke off. The Tie rod didn’t bend, but the steering arm broke.:confused:


A few things to note in this pic. The steering arm snapped right through. Note the clevis pins did the same. Are they Grade 8? The bolts I used on my front end are Grade 5. The ones that had damage just bent. I would think bending is better than snapping. Also note the bent uppersteering arm.

About the only thing that can be said here, is that wire wheels don’t make a good bumper.:sad: The axle never had a chance. I was going about 35MPH. What would 40MPH + be like? DO NOT ANSWER!:lol:

If you look REALLY close, you can see that the front crossbar is slightly pushed in. The spring perch is slightly tweaked.

Sorry about the chrome friction shocks you gave me, Rick.:sad:

Passenger side motor mount. The rubber tore, but the tabs bent before they did. Same on the drivers side. The bolted on crossbar held in place with the bolts, but if you look closely at the second pic, you can see how it tried to twist out of the frame


The steering column is bent forward. I’m not sure what let go, the steel shaft or where it attaches to the steering box. maybe both. The steering wheel is bent. Somehow, my right hand and wrist came between it and my chest.

And finally… She’s not pretty now, but she’ll be back. Better than ever.

These are pics of the intersection from the cops view. Notice all lights, INCLUDING the left turn (far left hand light) are green. Notice the sign below the left turn light. It states: Left turn yeild on green. the cop didn’t yield. See the car coming down the street? That is about where I was when the cop car made it’s turn.

Here is the same set of lights when they are red. They are red ALL the way across.

cant go into details ? sounds like someones reaching a settlement :slight_smile:

my one set of frame plans would be perfect for this: