So we should start a new sport, dogging pot holes! you guys good at this? ive got skills now becuase edmonton roads suck! 8)

It’s called autocross.

“dodging”? :partyman:

yeah man we dont need anymore track days for autocrossing drive all over edmonton and your set… ohhhh and lets not forget the idiots on the road for that extra challenge lol

same thing in Sherwood Park.
roads are HORRIBLE, makes us look like idiots swerving around our lanes.
i heard they are starting to fix them.
i also belive it because they already started to fix the ones by my house.
hopefully things shape up for the better

well the city has a 20 mil surplus …mmmmm wha should edmonton do with that money let me think … oh i got it FIX the F***ing roads,

Ya no shit. Im waiting for someone to call me in because it probably looks like im drunk trying to avoid them all. Thats one thing Calgary has that we dont…they build new roads and fix their old ones. Edmonton just trys to patch them up…grrrrrr. On a positive note, I saw STREET CLEANERS! 170st and also on 97st tonight :partyman:

You guys are right, your roads do fucking suck. I hate bringing my car there cause its too low and i scrape everywhere. Here I never scrape shit… :finga:

i think there is over 60 lawsuits to the city of edmonton over disgruntled drivers who hit potholes and suffered some kind of vehicle damage.

and yes its annoying swerving out of the way of potholes… people in the lanes beside me get scared and stay far away from me :smiley:

hahhahhaha that happens with me too, they think im retarded cause im dodging the potholes i feel like will smith on bad boys 2 good thing im not dodging cars hahahha

see u guys are complaining? but have u thought if we can actually do it the useful way and complain to officials so they get their head straight?

This is the exact reason why my car is not out yet

And also because its not done.

Chris if you think our road were bad when you were here last summer they are way worse now. I have a pic somewhere on a 4.5 inch deep pothole that is about 3 feet by 1.5 feet on a major roadway here.

you know what in all fairness i think that at least the city workers are working their ass off i was doing laundry on white ave and there was a crew fixing potholes about a month ago.

They were trying to take all the water out of this huge pothole to fix it. I then called the guy that looked in-charge and asked them if they could fix one put hole on 109th south bound right before the first light after crossing the bridge. This thing was MASSIVE i had my winter setup and i still looked behind me to see if i left any suspension parts on the road or a wheel cause it shook the shit out of the s13, these thing are built tough… anyhow back to the story, i told him about it and it was fixed.

i also told them that this perticular one could cause an accident as it is on a narrow road where in traffic you would have to choose your suspension taking it… over mangling another car or the curve , and i would love to do something about it … the question is are they going to do something about IT mmmmmm put it this way i wish i had an s13 with the craziest setup… am i going to actually get it well … my chances are as high as the city actually spending the 57 MILLION dollars that they will need to bring E-towns roads up to standards

there is just soo many of them to fix even if they were working their ass off they could still not get to all of them over the course of the year to keep up.

Fixing a pothole is just a temporary fix rather than repaving a certain stretch of road. The patch usually just ends up coming out within a short time or over winter with plowing

I almost drove one of the G coupes into a pothole, man if it went in I would’ve definitely screwed something up in the car…

We should all sell our cars and buy Pathfinders, Armadas, Titans and Frontiers…it’s almost like as if our roads are designed for off road vehicles…

or 1g talons with stock suspension, they’ve got some serious travel on those babies

City don’t, care most of counsil live in new areas with fresh pavement. And most drive 4x4 so they really give a damn. With surplus of taxes they take from people they will go ahead and give themself raisses again cover the 60 lawsuits and pay 12$ for people to patch old roads.So lets submit all suspension work to them and sue the suplus back.

Like that one fat bitch from city counsil on global awhile back: “Where i live there is no back ally, so people with back alleys should pave their own shiet” …its like hey cunt who wants a back ally? we all wanna have front driveway with double attache garage 2400sq custom build bungalow in riverband all paid by taxpayers.

Time to close up Edmonton move north on the oil fields for a while then come back to new roads.

It’s a frickin mess out there.

Ill stand by this, me and the eclipse dont worry about potholes.

You guys have to realize how unsustainable our road infrastructure is becoming. Are you aware how much the city, or for that matter the province, has spent on building and maintaining roads. It’s insane.

It’s not like council is pocketing all the money they don’t spend on the roads. They went seriously over budget with all the clearing they did earlier this winter because people bitched.

But at the same time people with complain about the taxes on gas being too high. Taxes that go directly to municipalities to fund road work.

Suing the city for damages to your car is pretty counterproductive. I drive a very low car, but that is my choice, not the city’s. If I hit a big pothole and damage my suspension, my aftermarket wheels or my aftermarket bumper, chances are it’s nobody’s fault but my own. Unless of course this pothole would have caused similar damages to a stock car.

But the bottom line is the boom isn’t going to last forever. There will come a time when all the transients pack up and go back home or somewhere else. I’m just hoping we aren’t left with a ton of infrastructure that we can’t pay for.