wow the roads here are awsome. decided to stay for another day.

but so far I have spotted a black 180sx and a white gts-t type M with aero body. and a bunch of other nice cars. But I did notice that if the cars here either look awsome or they look cheap, there is nothing in between. great city.

but wow the roads kick ass, no wonder so many of you are big into drifting.

Meh Edmonton is BUNK…

If there wasnt any car shows going on, what else is there to do in that city besides West Ed and maybe Playdium


WHISTLER IS WHERE ITS AT best town in this country!!! :drinkers:

P.S pladium is now closed so that leaves alot of nothig.

One of the best cities in the country man!! There is always something to do or somewhere to go here. You want boredom go move to SASKATCHEWAN :lol:

the roads fuckin sux here…calgarys way better to drive in…u have freeways that go all over your town and speeds are way higher, and the general pop. can some what drive


whenever i travel to calgary i never want to leave because there are soo many girls in skirts :loco:

Why would we have to go to Calgary to see skirts, i see skirts all the time when i come to your place and your sister is home. LOL

Why would we have to go to Calgary to see skirts, i see skirts all the time when i come to your place and your sister is home. LOL[/quote]


Why would we have to go to Calgary to see skirts, i see skirts all the time when i come to your place and your sister is home. LOL[/quote]
LOL Ya. When do i get introduced bitch! :tonqe:

yeah right, this city is full of fucking retards when it comes to driving, guess you just have to live here to realize it :slight_smile:

i just liked all of the bridges and tunnels and curvey roads by whyte ave going into the valley.

but I do have to agree, up here we have more freeways which is better for cruising.

yeah right, this city is full of fucking retards when it comes to driving, guess you just have to live here to realize it :)[/quote]

Chya, it gets pretty hectic on the Deerfoot :rolleyes: In the short time I spent on that road I had a guy nearly change lanes into me and NOBODY lets you in to merge, change lanes or whatnot.

B-Wurm :smiley:

Calgary = worst drivers ever.

They have zero concept of road etiquet; don’t know how to merge; don’t know what FAST Lane means; have no clue that it’s not right to drive the exact same speed as the idiot beside you on a road with 3 lanes. (They will drive 3 across on the deerfoot sometimes with nobody passing) For a town that has winter, you’d swear it was some big surprise the roads get slippery every year when that strange white stuff falls from the sky. Man I don’t even drive in the day any more because it’s just too frustrating… I’ll wait until 10pm to go for a cruze where you will still run into idiots, but at least there’e enough roomto get around them.

I loved in T.O. for 5 years… tehy have some pretty bad drivers, but at least they get the hell outta the way when they should.

But I’m not bitter… :slight_smile:

Driving in Edmonton is just like skateboarding here. There are a few good spots, but you need to make sure there’s no cops around first. heh.

I guess some kids just never change. :stuck_out_tongue:

well put

what’s wrong with u guys…if u have no pride in ur city then MOVE AWAY AND STOP BITCHING…i can’t stand when ppl dis etown…edmonton is awesome, i love it here…the best sports city in the continent…has an awesome car scene as well