New style cruise for WNY - Finalized details on page 3

sounds like a good plan, im down for it. i saw the spot the irvine carsandcoffee had on a carshow on tv and thought it was pretty cool.

i actually think this is a pretty good idea

Im in

I’d make an appearance at something like this, if it was a good crowd.

I love tim hortons but obviously none of there lots would work for this, what coffee shop were you thinking?

I would be up for it provided my car is ready to go.

Pretty good idea, just needs some organization and could be a real good hit. I might be frowned upon being a younger guy, but I am an early riser!

Joelster has a good idea, but I agree that there needs to be a twist on where the route continues…

Maybe every week the route/destination can change, that way things stay fresh and interesting

Definitely in, now that I have a cruise-worthy car.

Not making it official until I cross all T’s and dot all I’s with the manager.
But I think it would work out very well. Just wanted to get feedback first and now am working out the details.

As soon as it is official, I’ll post all the details :slight_smile:

We have been working on this too. We were going to post a different starting and end point every week on our website. And we would take suggestions to various places to cruise to.

It would work as maybe meeting up at Cazenovia Park in Buffalo and cruising to Reid’s Hot Dogs on Elmwood in Kenmore. Then the next week might be starting at Paulters on Transit and then heading to Gratwick Park in North Tonawanda.

And maybe a few of the cruises can end up as photo sessions if it is a scenic location.

We are thinking that this might also be a Saturday or Sunday event in the afternoon/evening.

Sounds cool, might as well throw in some suggestions for places:

Hamburg Town Park, Waterfront, Goat Island, Beaver Island, Losson Park (if its still called that), Tonawanda Creek, Niawanda Park, Veterans Park, Love Canal (kidding…)

It’s official. There will be a monthly Saturday AM cruise held 6 times this summer.

Details and dates coming shortly!


Any limits…Or can I show up in my junker :smiley:

But on a serious note, Would like to meet some of the people/cars etc.
only know a few from trackdays

So, I would be in for this.
If I don’t have something nice to bring I’ll just drive the a4.

very cool :tup: I enjoy the hell out of getting up early on the weekends and just taking a slow cruise around town. Very relaxing :slight_smile:

I’d deff. be down for this

:tup: I love being outside early on summer mornings

:sigh: summer mornings… how I miss thee

i hate coffee… hot chocolate ftmfw

Hopefully this remains super early in the morning to help keep out the trash.

Anyone who goes to any C&C meet will be talking about it for a LONG time.

So many amazing cars:

The roll outs are the best part:

I would go WELL out of my way to go.

Count me in, Post #50 I made some location suggestions, is there an official schedule yet?

If I’m back in the Buffalo area, I will definitely come out and support this. I’ll bring the Legacy. :stuck_out_tongue:

And :clap: to a guy who actually organizes and markets events like this, instead of sitting online bitching. Thanks Joey.

where are you, tom?