New to nissan, have some questions

tell what do you think about the difference between fc3s and z32 on track
and could we plz agree that at leats the 240s are better drifters

LMAO @ F&F fanbois & badgers… reality is that an insult or what is it i’m still trying to figure it out figures walls usually have 0 iq thats WHY i’m slow so plz elaborate

I’ve just reread my posts and I actually apologize for the way i type, I’ll do my best not to do that again.
It hurts to look at I know sorry got caught in all the hype.

I love the s13 and i would prefer to drive that over a z32 (i’ve only driven a z32 on the street so i wouldnt know how it reacts when you push it). But i have to admit, a stock z32 would tear apart an s13 at the track. I dont know the technical data, but a z32’s chassis is definetely alot stiffer than an s13. I own a good condition s13 (that’s how i see it) and i can honestly say, it is a budget entry level sports car that was designed on a budget. The z32 is more than a step up on an s13 and despite my love for the 240, i have to admit that.

And yes, factory weight distribution for the s13 is 52/48.

cal and pat well talk about this in person when we see each other 240s FTW

This season will show all. lets take it to the track and compare times with work done and cost. That would be an interesting comparison. Bang for buck, cause obviously even my 240 on coils probably wouldnt be able to come near Pat’s Z. Although tahts more the driver than the car, cause i’ve seen the ninja Z run.

honestly bro, 240’s will always be superior to 300Z’s in drifting & touge… never seen a 300Z on one but generally the lighter more nimbler cars are able to perform better in those environments. that’s just where they’ve been known to over excel @ then any other car. They’ve been tried tested & true in all the drifting competitions and they’ve usually performed the best.

The 300Z is a very technically layed out sports car,
it’s bulkier yes, but the suspension and chassis rigidity
is much stronger than the 240, not to mention the powerful VG30DET motor that runs the TT 300zx, that makes up for it. It’s because Nissan ended off with the 300 and 240 on different terms and outlooks in the market. Also the 300zx didn’t get as much media appeal than the Skyline, so that’s why there’s not much talk of the 300zx with it’s motoring heritage…it’s seen as the underdog sometimes by people, but some people that actually take the time to look into them, they’re jewels in the rough.:drivin

The R32 & Skyline name must be respected tho, and can be seen to have officially put Nissan on the map for very competitive and successful racing in international and even homeland(Japan) history, also the 300Z has had it’s fair share of success too.:R

No doubt, when you tune a 240, because of the high potential of the S - Chassis, it can be made to run better on drift, drag, touge, track, etc… soo many areas. but Stock on Stock, 300Zx. I understand both sides after reading Pat’s & Re Ameyami (sorry bro, forgot your name) posts.:hmm

I was deciding on getting a 300z too, but because of expenses @ this time I can’t…guess I’ve always been attracted to more of the bigger cars.:stuck_out_tongue:

But 240’s in their stock form can out handle many of todays and yesterday’s cars, all in all Nissan ftw!!:smiley:

dude i love you u intelligently put what i wanted to say expect I’ve always love smaller cars.
I was talking to turbo about this at cg yesterday

^ your welcome
haha…Ivan!! that was it!

…also check your spelling after you post man,
kinda hard to read lol

Thanks for all the info

Lots of great knowledge on this board.

Looking forward to picking up the car for my dad. he told me he was going to buy one (he owned a 240Z here in Canada) but then he found out he was having twins (me and my sister).

I always feel like he gave up his dream car for me and my sister.

I’ll let you guys know.
any comments regarding Tigerjapanese importers? they have some cheap 300zx’s.

Anyone know a good RX7 mechanic as well? I was thinking of picking one of those up as well, but know nothing about them.

hmm…well bro TigerJapanese is notorious for their bad customer service and their cars are basically project cars, one of the least cleanest JDM imports so you really have to beware…I’d avoid them, many people have bad things to say about them.

I’m sure tho, Autotrader and kijijji <–I think that’s how you spell it offer listings on many cars, and you just might be able to find the 300zx your looking for. Just take your time, and you’ll find a gem for a good deal :slight_smile:

also, Rx7’s…if you can afford the maintenance on them, and somewhat know your way around Rotary engines and are willing to go along for the ride and have the wallet, then they are amazing machines!

trust me, do your research if you especially know nothing about them…I wouldn’t want you making a bad investment, unless you take the time and figure out the cons and such. Many knowledgeable RX7/rotary people out there, maybe a few available here, but the net and fellow owners are your best bet;)

thanks for the advice Redline

yah… i know the maintence on the RX-7 is something you’re always falling behind on.

So i guess i’ll steer clear of the rx7 for now, and maybe look for other 300zx’s.

ok, a few things

  • The 300 is a good drifting car if you have the right driver
  • The 300 is the smaller car in length and height.
  • I bought a 300 front clip from Tiger Japanese about a year ago and I’ve been running the engine in it perfectly fine with +/-450hp since

Please people, if you guys have advice or info, please have first hand experience. Who gives a rats ass about speculation? FACTS are where it’s at.

You’re leading the guy down the wrong path by what you hear from your buddy’s buddy’s Mothers, Sisters, Friend who just happened to pull this shit out of his ass. Though the customer service of Tiger Japanese isn’t that great, I bargained the crap out of them for a complete and good condition front clip. Their cars are good value for their price, and I was 2 steps away from buying a GTR from them a few months ago.

Dimensions are available on Wikipedia and proof is available on the track that a modded 300 can outrun an equally modded 240. Like I’ve said to a few people, performance is linear to modifications.

^ where’s this proof you speak of on the track?
just wondering, I want the facts…with facts comes data!
ooh & facts on how good a 300zx is for drifting! :slight_smile:

& I’ve had a look @ their cars, sat in them and saw the overall
condition of them, looked like they were poorly treated…
Yakuza trashed/drift crashed etc…and then brought here
and sold for cheap…it’s basic, there’s a reason why they say
you get what you pay for;)

Only good ones I saw were like 1 or 2,
one noted was a Mk3 Supra…VERY SEXY!! :smiley:

when was the last time you visited? maybe they
“renovated” haha

One example is a measure of potential. Have you ever seen the s13 or s14 chassis turned into a GT Car? Cause there are Z’s that competed in JGTC and Le Mans. I have yet to see a 240 chassis compete in either. Xanavi had 2 300s prior to the skylines and fairladies they had been using.

The 240 is a blue collar play-thing and i’m willing to admit it.

cal im gone make you buy an a acccord if you dissrespect your car again lol whatever man pat your car is great(er)my car is great(er) to me

My car is gorgeous. You should respect your car by minting it! it’ll be sick. I love minty 240s.

You guys cant really be serious…
An s13 - s14, superior to a 300zx?

I know you guys are fanboi’s but lets be honest here.
The main reason why silvia’s are so popular with drifiting is that:
A) the sport is geared towards the younger crowd, who really cant afford to spend $30k on a drift project.
B) the purchase price is well below that of a used 300zx. One could be had for a few thousand $$.
That is the MAIN reason why you see so many silvia’s compared to z’s in drift comps.

And for those that think I am trying to be “high & mighty” (rabbit)… get over yourselves, I am just being truthful.

Tone, cannot be determined via an internet post

^Reality does not escape you.:R

I believe I only met you once, but you struck me as an intelligent person.
Your above statement verifies my first impression.

all hail the post of forum anger