New to nissan, have some questions

^ but clearly on top of that, they’re the icon cars…where the 300Z is the icon car of what? anyways, Drifting goes to the 240sx, they own that turf. :smiley:

& for your information, in Japan where people have so much more money compared to North Americans that they spend on their cars, why do the majority of them drift with those light and nimble cars? cuz it’s the TRIED, TESTED, & TRUE philosophy…they’re more superior than Z’s in drifting. :slight_smile:

What does the 300ZX own or is known for…beautiful Sunday drives, and expensive repairs?:stuck_out_tongue:

…thank you for your posts, fanboi of the Z’s :wink: love em too!

I think now You Are Just hating, because what redline said is true and im not a fanboi look at my screen name NIMBLE IS KEY 300 IS not NIMBLE and WHAT tou said is just so ****en stupid its unbelievable(younger crowd doesn’t like nice cars, expensive cars, nothing is directed to nothing, pros have money for anything ,there sponsors for sure do. They want to win not lose they use the better cars to win thats WHY there s so many 240s in drifting and rx7 etc
Ive never heard of a pro 300 drift car or i’ve never seen tsuchia talk aboout 300 on touge battle or test it so stop hating. This is whhat you should do Reality sell the 350 buy a nice coupe the change you have from selling the carand fix it up real nice and then tell me WHATS BETTER, Beacause i drive 350z g35 alllll the time at work and when you compare the 2 theress way too bulky I told my ganeral manager they would make great winter beaters, so uyou dont have to worrry about the 240 skyline w/e parked for winter.

Can I ask you why you’re fighting this so intently? We’ve given you nothing but facts and you’ve given us nothing but heresay along with, “Jack hasn’t spoken about crack so I guess the crack is whack!”

I haven’t posted links to the multiple videos about Drifting 300 because this is just a waste for me, but it really makes me wonder why you, with opening such a can of worms, haven’t gone out to do your research on Youtube. Everyone here seems to have seen a lot of Youtube videos of 300s drifting except you.

And not Nimble??? Do I have to repost what Cal Said about their LACK in selection of the 240 and choice in Fairlady applications for these key races?

RealityZ33 hasn’t had a hint of aggression in your post, yet you go at him with exactly that??? Talk about “TNC Drama”
Whats your problem with the 350Z anyway? It’s not my full cup of tea, but it’s not too far off from the 300 for me.
RE-READ his post. He didn’t say the younger crowd doesn’t like “Nice Cars”
He said CLEARLY that Younger crowds generally can’t afford $30,000 cars for a drift project. Shit, you said it yourself. Seeing me on the track drifting is like seeing a Viper taking a stab at it. Everyone here can see that you were saying the sheer cost of the Viper is not what you commonly see on the drift track. You’ve ranked the 300 somewhere in line with the Viper. Whether it’s psychological I’m not sure, but you’ll probably read back and you can either 1: Admit to the speculation of others or 2: Continue to act in the same manner where we will just present more facts to you and continue to make you look stupid.

Seriously man, before you tell someone to change his car out for an inferior car, I suggest you take a stab at driving both cars on the same terms. Driving a 350, you’d realize that it is a whole new ballgame from the 240. Even just sitting inside one is a big difference. I’m pretty sure RealityZ33 has had opportunities to drive both the 240 and the 300. RealityZ33 has owned a 300ZX TT at one point, which is part of the reason why he feels compelled to point these things out to you.

P.S. Who cares about what happened between you and your General Manager? Absolutely no relevance to this conversation

P.S.S Nimble is NOT key. Torque is the ruler of curvy tracks. Therefore TORQUE is key.

Ivan come on man. stop being so closed minded. Despite what i’ve said before, i still think the s13 is a great car. However, its really difficult to compare the two as they target completely different markets. An example of how narrow your thinking is when you bring up only touge and drift. If you look at circuits, where the history of motorsports lies, you’ll find that the Z is a much more common car than any S-chassis.

And actually, the s13 is far from nimble. A stock s13 will roll with the worst of them. A stock 300 (which i’ve driven) feels alot tighter at both front and rear. I drive an almost stock s13 and i can say that my next upgrade will be to reduce the body roll because its just unbearable on the track.

Why do you think so many s13 owners run aftermarket sways/endlinks? This is a rather general statement, but i’ve seen a couple 300s on the track they run stock sways and look pretty sturdy in the corners. Of course this is personal experience and not any fact, but you will find that sway bars are a common upgrade on s13s.

Incoherent gibberish

I’m done i’m sorry, pat, cal( NOBODY"S TALKING ABOUT A STOCK 240). I’m tired of arguing.
You guys are ignorant LOL

You need to take a look in the mirror…

Hard Facts forming an opinion does not create ignorance.
Speculations from an unfound basis form ignorance.

Not to be offensive or anything and this is not what I think of both the cars, but with trying to show you the extreme differences between the two, the 240 is like a 92 Civic. The 350 is like an Lamborghini Gallardo… Which would make the 300 along the lines of an early Lamborghini Diablo
Understand the difference in performance potential now?

EDIT – hahaha without thinking about it, I just realized that the late Lamborghini Diablo GT used the headlights from the Nissan 300ZX, and put a little CF plate over the top of the headlight to cover up the Nissan Name.

^ Just wow…:S Lambo’s are in a different ball field than a 350Z or a 300zx in that, they would totally destroy those Z cars, cost way more, and cost more to make…so now it’s turning into “which is superior? a Lambo Gallardo or a 300zx”<–ya’ll should know the answer to that.
sorry but the comparisons are really vague and vulgar without more explanation:{

although I think a 300zx might be able to keep up with a Diablo on average in a track setting…:hmm

Oh man did you completely neglect what I was saying??? I didn’t even say they were in the same ball game. They obviously aren’t. I’M TRYING TO MAKE VISUAL THE EXTREME DIFFERENCE IN HIS COMPARISON. Please conceptualise and stop wasting thread space. Nothing against you Gurpreet but shit man why?

EDIT EDIT – Let me emphasize what I said so there’s absolutely no confusion:
but with trying to show you the extreme differences between the two on my last post #68 starting with the end of the 3rd line and ending on the 4th line. Geezzz

Seriously? I never would have figured that before, haha.

Under the “Trivia” section of the Lamborghini Diablo writeup on WikiCars here:

Fixed headlights on the Diablo are actually the same as those on the Z32 chassis Nissan 300ZX.

There’s a few other writeups on the net detailing the contract Lamborghini had with Nissan to get these headlights and blank out the name with CF and aluminum plates.

^Perhaps you should try READING the post before chiming in…It may actually save you some embarrassment.

haha, don’t get so heated because I have something to say Patrick :slight_smile: come on, we’re all buddies here! and we respect what others have to say without the EXTREME replies back :wink:

& the conceptually doesn’t work out too well because…


  • differences are so much more vast with a Civic to a Lambo compared to a 240 & a 300 :confused:

but ya, I ended this way before…a 300 is more superior than a 240. Just like saying a Lamborghini Gallardo is more superior than a 300zx/350z "D

  • Now let’s all move on to better things, besides everyone is entitled to their own opinions so no you can’t shut down people even if you believe too strongly on another end.:smiley:


^ Perhaps you should try UNDERSTANDING that pat already replied back about the post that I was adhering to…+ no embarrassment taken as this is a forum and stuff happens:)

Actually it does because I’m not trying to show the exact differences. I’m just showing that the differences are great

In court, I would commonly lay emphasis on the part that I bolded out in your statement. Yes you admit there is a vast difference. Not as vast as the difference between the Lambo and the Civic, but definately a vast difference.

You didn’t end it. To end it it must either be a collaborative/agreed upon decision to quit the topic. What you mentioned just left more speculations and things to argue. Plus, Ivan kept going on about it so it wasn’t finished.

Actually, in the End Ivan was the one that “finished” it, you just reopened it with your last statement. What you mentioned here I’d have to debate with you on another spectrum here. It is in no way related to “ENGINE TALK”
Actually neither is this thread. A talk about two different cars had absolutely nothing to do with the VG30DETT and the KA24DE. I think it was just tossed in here for lack of a better section.

And i hardly think i’m being ignorant. just cause we’re on a nissan forum doesnt mean we all need to worship the nissan we own. Being open-minded will teach you alot; and not just with cars.

If i was so obsessed about the 240 i wouldve made friends with all the bitter old me and retarded 15 and 16 year olds of SON. But i’m not, which is why i’m here. Ivan, if you arent talking stock, then what are you comparing. there are no level of mods that can be comparable unless they were designed to be the same, by the same company to increase performance equally on both cars. Truth be told however, that if you spent x amount of money on a 240 and the same x amount of monye on a Z, you’d get more bang for buck on the 240 than the Z. That doesnt make the 240 better than the 300 though.

Ivan, lay out how modified the two cars you’re comparing are supposed to be then we’ll talk.

^I am glad you noticed that,. Now perhaps you can come to the realization that READING is fundamental… So I guess this means that you need to go back to square one?:R


Formula D level 240
And for the 300 do whatever you want for the 300

Formula D level? Fine, i choose to compare it to the xanavi 300s that competed in JGTC 5 years ago.

This is where there is problem with your logic. You have to be able to compare modified cars using a given standard. You cant just say Formula D spec s13 vs whatever i want spec Z. I could pick from a vast selection of Z’s to prove how the s13 would lose out. But that would just be unfair. What we need to lookfor is fair ground for the Z and S chassis to compete.

This is why Pat says and i agree, take a Z and an S to a track and just settle it there with lap times.

^ …understanding seems to be such a big problem with you
so without understanding, anything you say just ain’t worth adhering to"D

& guess it makes you seem all tough & to the point when you bold out and size up words eh, your so cool I think I’m going to listen to what 2 cents you have to try to squeeze… :rolleyes:

^ I know bro, we did get carried away with this thread moving on to things which have places on other threads to deal with and such. haha, oh & I can see lawyer skills can come quite handy in the real world…:wink:

there’s no doubt that the 300 is more superior than a 240, just that so much other ideas and topics were played out in here. Anyways, if we ever happen to meet up again out of these forums and we have the need to talk about stuff like this…I’m up for it face to face, lol :slight_smile: