New Whip

Darkstain is the man… **** noobs

exactly. welcome to the site :beer:
fat piece of sh it

darkstar you need a lesson or two. thanks for catching my typo. try and catch me on the strreet in the rustang. and by the way how often does that big mouth get you into trouble when your not hiding behind the computer genius. leave the thinking up to the engineers.

do you ever shut up?

just keeping with the pace. some of you boys lack respect. keep telling me i don’t know anything and eventually all the real car guys will see the ones making the insults are the ones that don’t know ****. who the **** comes on a forum to antagonize and never have any serious input. ITS A CAR FORUM, NOT A BASH OTHER MEMBERS FORUM! ****ing douche bags.

your the one keep digging in the landfill that will just get bulldozed over. we gobble this sh it up like nonsexywhitechic does anal. free and at your expense.

hatchet buried!



I need a lesson? I’d love for you to be the one to teach me. And sorry, I dont drive a Mustang either. And this big mouth is as big now as it’s always been. Many here can vouch for that. So far, hasn’t got me in a lick of trouble (that I couldn’t handle). Wanna be the big man that steps up?

why the f uck should we respect some dip**** n00b? You have to earn respect around here son, and you’re running full speed in the wrong direction to that end.

So… you won’t run your car, but you’ll continue to run your mouth. Typical faggot n00b.

you must be a tough thats how all tough guys talk. i buy and sell people like you. whatever 10 year old **** you got doesn’t matter to me. your stll a big mouth cocksucker.

im done playing your ****ing game. you trouble making cocksucker.

He’s been a member for a month and is already making a great impression. He certainly doesn’t waste any time :rofl:

You don’t buy and sell s hit. You aren’t s hit. You own busted ass Cadillacs. The only running you are doing is running backwards out of this thread. Thanks for the entertainment, pussy faggot n00b.

nice fd rocking off of saxy blvd at the car wash


My cousin has one. It’s a blast to drive.

yup 50/50 and the engine is pretty much behind the rear wheels so it likes the twists

There are plenty of other 50/50 cars, but nonetheless the RX8 is well known for a superb chassis. They really handle great, transition well, and don’t have any true vices in terms of handling. They just beg for more power.

Yup, they are very compact allowing their weight to be placed very low and far back in the chassis.

Assuming you meant behind the front wheels then yes, that is correct.


ya that was my bad :doh:

they handle like its on rails, wide open through turns, motortrend say it handles better then a porsche, after driving one i believe it!!!

Part of the “wide open through the turns” comes from having no torque and little HP. But as I said before, I’m a big fan of the chassis.