New world order, in Denver?

[tinfoil hat]

Met some girl the other day at a gas station who went on a giant rant about new world order and don’t go to Denver airport.

Well I decided to look it up and found a board full of members crazier than what we’ve got here

A brief quote

Oi…there is so much to comprehend. If I told you guys my fingers would fall off from typing so much, but I’ll type as much as I can. Ok…first off

There are SO many things that people are not aware of. For instance, MIND CONTROL. It was intoduced way back when in the Auchwitz camp. this is not a conspiracy, this really did happen. It was called MK ultra. MK standing for Mind control in German. Now people would line up to take these mind altering pills, and then they would have easy access.

The government has been controling everyone for years. You think they are doing good things? Look at the world today…bombings, killings, shootings, disasters like earth quakes, and all? Look at hurricane katrina…they were a little late to help people on that, eh? Also…mind control also has to do with aliens. Yes, that is why you DO NOT want to be abducted. They don’t care about you. They hate us. But they are interested in us. The only good aliens are the Andromedians. Ok, so there was deal between the government and these aliens called “The Grays” they made a deal a very long time ago, that they would abduct people, and mutilate cows for their own needs and experiments. note I know this sounds crazy and wierd…outright bizzare!!! But it’s true.* Anyways, in return the government gets technology. And we have had a recent raise in in havn’t we? Oh , well I will tell more, note me if you want to know more, or email me. I have to go to block buster…gotta go!!!

Link to more about Denver

/tinfoil hat

wtf… why would Aliens need permission from the Gov’t to abduct us? LOL.

That is what happens when schizophrenics don’t take their meds.


and the internet provides yet another group of morons with a soap box to stand on .

chemtrails. turbo gp’s.

are the grays minority aliens?

Someone must troll these forums and post results…what a bunch of fucking loons

Problem is they take one or two observed facts and run with them without logic or limits of truth and other facts.

Mind control for example - yes it was experimented with on multiple occasions with various slight results it’s nowhere near what these guys make it out to be.

I can only imagine what kind of heated argumentative battles we cam get going if we troll them. :ahh

Someone ought to tell them that nazis were actually a hoax created by lizard-people. The truth must be known!


People are special

Chemtrails, the Georgia Guidestones, Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Albert Pike… blah blah fucking blah.

I’ll be the first to admit that mural is fucking creepy. Secondly, the Freemasons always try to put on a cornerstone laying ceremony wherever possible. New building going up in the city? Excellent, it’s viewed as a PR opportunity to show that we aren’t a secret society bent on world domination. It’s shit like this that aggravates me.

Freemasons always mark their work because they are FREE MASING (sp?) and would like to get some recognition.

Seems simple enough.

:rofl holly shit vlad where u find the time to find alien shit like this

Yessss… I have a “Mind control 4 Jetta”.