New Year's resolutions for 2012

Don’t you need an associates in semi conductors?

not for all of the jobs
The job my friend applied for is an entry level position

My job started out working 6pm-6am, 4 days a week, every other week and no benefits. Worked my ass off and in two months im being promoted to FT 9-5 with full benefits and a $5/hr raise.

You have to start out working the shit hours and put in the work esp when youre going in at entry level. Shit dosent get handed to you.

Youre single and have no tie downs. Work your ass off and move up.

pjb, come work for me and lance.

continue with what im doing, no regrets

Same as last year, FBGM

Finally pass 2-3 sections of my CPA (finish in 2013)
Continually increase the monthly amounts Wayne & I contribute to our joint savings
Buy land to eventually build new house on
Learn and stick to making healthier homemade meals (bye bye Kraft blue box & ramen noodles)

Im pretty sure I wouldnt make what I need to. Maybe Im wrong though.

I have no resalutions , that way I don’t let myself down !!!well only one ,make more money .

Actually something me and the wife need to work on +rep

Lance makes $1,600 in a day and a half but allrightyy

Damn, I was thinking more like you were paying like a cashier, not making profits


Continue taking over the world.

huh lol

Shit, if PJB doesnt take you up on the offer I will

even if I offered pjb $5k a week he wouldnt leave his job which is why i made the joke lol… pjb’s one of those dudes thats scared of change and will complain about his life but wont do anything about it, at least thats my take…

Dude, do you not understand the concept that you start at the ‘bottom of the totem pole’ when you begin a new job?!!

Why on earth would you NOT be given an entry level position?!?!?!?!

1)Start new job on shitty shifts/doing work that no one else wants to do

2)Continue doing this, new positions open, and you get more benifits the longer you stay there (better shifts, more money, easier work).

How do you NOT get this concept? I’m sorry, your thinking about careers will never cease to amaze me.

Eh, its uncertain out there in the world. He seems to be content with where he is at, stable, but not the best situation, or he is like you said, just scared.

If he was happy about it, it’d be one thing, but he bitches about it.

I’m glad that I’m not content making ~15 dollars an hour with no benefits or room for room for career advancement.