newman needs more money...

take my job at the tolls… we’ll do the ol’ switcheroo…with a sanitary break in-between :wink:

uhh yea u better not sell the 240, just finish it and enjoy it, sell some of ur old shit, i know u have a ton of shit left from the 1st build that u wont be using anymore, ill buy a z32 maf off ya, and im sure u can sell the loads of other shit u got

hop back into that ugly tube top and whore yourself on the corner…

i know id buy some of newman for a dolla :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve got a check waiting for you if you would FINISH MY DAMN CAR!!! lol…

it may be a scam, but i’ve heard of people just starting an internet business, just start your own site, and claim to sell car parts for example…then apply and get approved for a business credit card…i hear they can go from 200k limit to no limit at all…use it for everything and anything imaginable…just finding BS ways to justify the use as business related, kinda like everything my dad needs he just uses his business’s account to pay for, stating it’s for the use of the company…then close the card and file bankruptcy for the business…because that bankruptcy will not affect your personal credit…it’ll affect the business name…which you wont care of anyways…

at least thats how i think the scam works…and it sounds like it is possible…having worked in a collection agency for about a year, and having done some work with business debts from small family run businesses that have gone broke, i’m pretty damn sure it’s as easy to do as it sounds…now i just want somebody to have the balls to try it before i ever consider it lol

and oh yeah, if all that doesnt work, and you do get desperate…i’ll trade you some baseball cards and a sack of marbles for your boost controller…

debt sux, i say if you cant buy it cash, dont buy it at all (with a few small exceptions, house, new kaa, etc)

i didnt mean it like that.
more of an opposite ends of the skilled/unskilled spectrum…

maybe they need to hire an engineer to work those cash registers. it seems that high school drops outs have a hard time with them.

ways I make money:

Landscaping: $10 hour
Landscaping job #2 for rich dentist: $12 hour
Mowing lawns: $20-25 a lawn X 8 lawns = 160-200 a week

Its pretty easy going because your outside and listen to headphones all day

I know your like, old, and have a career, but I think mowing lawns is the easiest thing since sliced bread.

So Id recommend that, do 4-5 lawns in one day and make 100 bucks for like 2 hours of easy work.

Your post makes no sense, you would have to open a LLC, or incorporate yourself for it not to affect your personal credit. Not to mention this would be fraud and could land you in JAIL. Then you can be someone’s girlfriend

or… if we could time travel…

you could just buy a twin turbo off the bat, and not swap. Then there would be no check involved. You would have both saved time and money, and you coulda saved money and had a faster z. newman coulda had more time to work @ yellow goose.

Newman…what about Hamburg Music? I’m sure they could use some help/drum techs? Plus…its right there.

Or tell Joe the rent went up, and not tell walker and shrew, and pocket the rest.


ill buy ur sti cheap!