Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

:snky: Follow your nose…

Lug adapters/conversions are $100 per pair.

Just gotta do your homework on offset…

is there a chance you have a whole skyline sitting around you wanna sell :stuck_out_tongue: LOL

lookin great newman…

i believe we still need to go shoot stuff

Fried rice?

Funnily enough I do have the whole front ‘clip’ of a skyline, plus a complete back end of an S13, all the running gear from an R32 , a big pile of chromemoly tubing and a nice 67 Barracuda notchback, most of which is now made in fibreglass- hum the wheel base and track of the old cuda and the GTR are so close it’s scary- but that’s a project for another day- ‘Skycuda’ will be my swansong, then it’s minivans and soccer moms for me- LOL
Hum perhaps I should let Mr. Newman loose on the cuda project- lord knows where that would take us…
This BMW project is awesome BTW.

my god tweety, youve got everything i dream of having, skylines muscle cars, parts of 240sx’s. sounds like what i wanna do for a living lol

with age comes wisdom ( er…) and toys and many, many problems, possibly it’s time to finally grow up, but that can wait a while , at least until these cars are done.
I just thought I already own a minivan, hum I wonder if an RB30 would go in the '95 Dodge Caravan?

And rip through wheel bearings and never be allowed on any track anywhere, not to mention run the potential of shearing them with 500+hp.

you can make anything fit with the right tools lol.

what did the RB30 come out of? i honestly never knew one existed.

Please, 2" moment arms are good for bearings. (but then again what are allowable deviations from factory offsets)

Possibility of shear will reamain the same due to torque transmitted through the wheels.

And for newman going to a track, :lol:

True, however, if someone else drives it, or if/when he sells it after buying wheels to match the adaptors :tdown:

I’d NEVER buy/own a car with adaptors.

Ok, so… I finished all the tack welding on the floor… I received an offer from a guy at work to do the whole car, so as soon as i have it soda blasted, he is going to seam weld the chassis…

So, in the meantime, i picked up a can of this (ted nugent approved!):

It was 30 bucks a quart, I hope it works well…

I am just going to leave it like this until the underbody/bay/interior has been blasted…

Next, I built a jig to mount the turbo… Yes, i know what you are thinking about turbo inlets… the answer is MAYBE…

I included some frame reference planes and a motor mount clearance simulator, so that When i start drawing this in CAD, I will know what i need to avoid, without having to keep taking measurements on the car…

Looks good Mr Newman. You guys are moving pretty fast.

GL :tspry:

Worked great on an old trailor we had.

Edit_ And :tup:




oh damn… :slight_smile:
Btw, i think thats the turbo Don showed me the other day,… Just so you know, i drooled all over it… :stuck_out_tongue:

It’ll be interesting to see how you’ll get the equal length design. From the cad design to the mock up, it seems the turbo is much further forward.

yeah, that was me just guessing, equal length won’t be too hard…

if you look at the cad image, the turbo is centered on port # 2, irl, it’s centered between 1 and 2… not much difference.



Baller equal length 6 cylinder, front, top mount, for an e36. I’m sure newman will manage :slight_smile: