Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

here’s some pics of the fender flares i bought on a different E30

Are the flares going to be molded on or bolted as in the picture?

Bolted. But probably BLACK

aww, so your and mikes cars will match, how cute.

bolted/riveted flares > *

except chris N had his fender flares about 9 months before mike had his datsun.

hey newman, wanna let me umm… borrow those flares?

gee tee eff oooout

you want to mold them?

well… if you had asked me months ago! i need to put them ON!

nigga i didnt know you had that shit…

talk to me on msn brother dude

his front mount fit into the bumper… hmmm? you already cut the mtech… looks better than expected… :tup:

the 2 cars in that garage on both sides of it are serious money.

is that a joke?

i could buy them both for less than i paid for my DD.

lol ZING!

on a serious note though…the DeLorean and Fiero are pretty BA if they’re your cup of tea…

LOL I Suck, at first glance I thought they were both something different.
lol @ atleast the one started with an F… to bad errari didnt fallow.
FAIL X 2 ahah

lol oh boy

haaa haaa…

one is a Lotus one is a Toyota…

wow…and after this post, FAIL x 3

hahahaha yeah, wow.
someone post the failacopter.

How about you just do us all a favor and dead yourself.