Newman's Own $1 Organic Coffee


I was skeptical at first, especially coming from the golden arches. $1 for a large coffee that tastes good AND doesn’t give you the shits (it’s been over an hour since my initial ingestation) = win in my book.

its not bad, i end up drinking it most mornings myself because im too lazy to get out of bed and make it before work. dunkin donuts is either really good or really bad, so i’d rather have something consistently average every morning then have a nasty ass cup of coffee to start the day off great.

Dunkin Donuts has gotten too expensive for my likings. The $1 breakfast menu is win, I couldn’t help but pick up two sausuage mcmuffins to chow down on as well.

yeah, i wish they did that at the one thats on the empire state plaza concourse. but they’d lose money from all the fat ladies who work at dmv and shove the shit down their throat for breakfast and lunch every day.

Golden arches ftw

Thats the same thing I get if I hit McDs in the morning. $1 Coffee, 2 sausage muffins. Did you know McDs used to have the exact same coffee as DDs, but they brew it so much hotter, thats why it was more bitter.

when was this?

Back when I worked there, so before 2003.

no shit, interesting.

FUCK MC DONALDS. I boycotted them.

Reasons why: They employee more disrespectful idiots, than even walmart. They are dirty inside. The food is aimed at making the world fatter. The stupid ass radio and tv commercials are completely retarded. Like the one on the radio, "don’t worry your a fat slob with no work ethic and is too lazy to get out of bed and make a healthy breakfast your self, just hit the snooze 5 more times so your lazy ass can sleep more of you worthless life away, then just get fat off some fake eggs, and who knows what meat substance between some cardboard buns.


KK rant over. Haha

anyone ever notice that all the McDonalds commercials have all black people in them?

Yes yet another reason I hate them.

I might be crazy but, if:

Mcdonalds, burger king, the NYS loto, those stupid singing dogs cats with the old lady, tacobell novela stupid shit… when they come on the radio I turn it off and say fuck you to the radio.


Not true the girl with the “chin dimple” is white on the tv ad.

she prolly bangs a black guy.

Who gives a shit.

McDonalds and Wal-Mart are going to take over the world whether you like it or not

this is quite possible

i have no issues with mcd’s and they receive plenty of business from me but i refuse to buy anything from walmart.

f walmarts, mcd’s coffee is good too

hmmm might have to try it myself

Stewart’s coffee FTW.