Next spring...


No one is as wise at 19 as they are at 29.

It’s easy to say “dont buy a car stupid, invest it in ANYTHING else. Move out. Be an adult.” saying something like that makes sense.

No one is as wise at 29 as they are at 59.

Then, you could be saying “wow instead of trying to grow up so quickly, I wish I would have bought that car and had fun with my life before things like work and family took over”



Step 1 - Live at home and save a shit ton of money.
Step 2 - Test Drive all the cars you think you might like and don’t go buy what NYspeed tells you to.
Step 3 - ???
Step 4 Profit.

To address the past posts.

I am 19. I do live at home. I get along with my parents VERY well.
I don’t mean to boast or anything, just setting facts. I make more money than a lot of other 19 year olds.
I am young and I want to have fun. I was considering purchasing a house next year, and just driving my truck.

But I soon realized that I am NOT the type to just settle down, I need something that is fun. I’ve always wanted a summer car (IE. the cars mentioned above) and I figure that this is a point in my life where I can afford to own one.
I do plan on moving out soon (within the next year) but not to buy, to rent.
My original plan was to purchase a house for around a $100K and fix it up and live there for a few years, but as I said before, I am young and just want to have fun and blow my money for a few years.
Sure, it is not a wise decision at all. I should be saving it for down the road. But as others have said before, you cannot drive,eat or wear money. You can do all that with what money buys though.

So I hope this sets everyone straight on this thread. I am NOT asking for financial advice from ANY of you. I am asking your opinion on these cars listed above.
There is much wiser things to do with 30 thousand dollars. I am picking a stupid but fun thing to do with it.
So if anyone else would like to tear me apart for my desicions. Please take it to off topic and leave the car comments here.

Back on Topic.

I’ve always wanted a m3. They have been my favorite car for quite some time.
The thing about the lotus that I like the most is its exotic look and stripped down attitude. I LOVE that about the car.
Everything in the car is function over form. It’s very minimal and that’s what I love.

The 350/g35. Eh, the more I think about it. They are under powered and overweight. And not the hottest car out there.

the only problem i see, is unless you are paying straight cash for this, you are locking yourself into something. Sure, you can afford to make 500 dollar a month payments now (when your parents pay the rent, buy the TP, pay the utilities, and wash your undies, etc)… but when you DO want to move out, and your expenses triple, quadruple, w/e… then where will you be? As much as you like your parents, i don’t think that you’ll want to live with them for very much longer…

What are you going to school for?

saying it sounds like you make more then i do…:gotme: … if i was a 17,18,19 year old girl and i saw a kid w/ hot car and said lets hook up …we roll up to mom and dads house i get turned off and no play… but if i say lets hook up and we roll up to a house that is all yours and you have a ok 20k car im going to stay for a while… someone back me up here … now days you can get a nice car for like 20-25k … and you can find a good house for like 75 put 40 down and pay 300 month … yes i know your 19 and not thinking this way but im only 22 and have 2 kids and a wife( i would never regreat what has happen i love how everthing has happen and would not change it for the world but sometimes things happen real fast … )… i would say if you want the s2k or what have you … you can pick up a 02 s2k for like 14,000


the only problem i see, is unless you are paying straight cash for this, you are locking yourself into something. Sure, you can afford to make 500 dollar a month payments now (when your parents pay the rent, buy the TP, pay the utilities, and wash your undies, etc)… but when you DO want to move out, and your expenses triple, quadruple, w/e… then where will you be? As much as you like your parents, i don’t think that you’ll want to live with them for very much longer…

What are you going to school for?


I know, But I plan on paying cash for most of the car, maybe financing 7-10 thousand of it.

I’m currently not enrolled in school. I know :uhh: I don’t have time to be a full time student with the school I would miss. I plan on taking online courses though for some kind of bussiness mang. degree. That way when I’m out of town I won’t be missing school.

And IF anything ever happens down the road and I am strapped for $ I can always sell one of my autos. Luckily the truck I own now and (hopfully my future car) hold there value quite well. So I lose my ass.


saying it sounds like you make more then i do…:gotme: … if i was a 17,18,19 year old girl and i saw a kid w/ hot car and said lets hook up …we roll up to mom and dads house i get turned off and no play… but if i say lets hook up and we roll up to a house that is all yours and you have a ok 20k car im going to stay for a while… someone back me up here … now days you can get a nice car for like 20-25k … and you can find a good house for like 75 put 40 down and pay 300 month … yes i know your 19 and not thinking this way but im only 22 and have 2 kids and a wife( i would never regreat what has happen i love how everthing has happen and would not change it for the world but sometimes things happen real fast … )… i would say if you want the s2k or what have you … you can pick up a 02 s2k for like 14,000


I’m sorry but my car purchase does not revolve around my dick.
I could care less if I don’t get laid living at my parents house…to this date, that has not been a problem.

P.S I’d rather be driving a nice car, than be getting laid.
(okay…to an extent)


the only problem i see, is unless you are paying straight cash for this, you are locking yourself into something. Sure, you can afford to make 500 dollar a month payments now (when your parents pay the rent, buy the TP, pay the utilities, and wash your undies, etc)… but when you DO want to move out, and your expenses triple, quadruple, w/e… then where will you be? As much as you like your parents, i don’t think that you’ll want to live with them for very much longer…

What are you going to school for?


exactly, wait till you move out, pay $900 for rent, $300 for random bills, buy food, say $300 a month and what else… your are already paying atleast $1500 a month just to live, then you tack on a $500 a month for your car, thats $2000, plus the $200 a month for insurance and you will need full coverage because you are not buying the car outright, thats $2200, plus your schooling expenses and what not, your are about $2500 a month, I sure as hell you are making $45000 a year to just afford it, and that involves never going out, you saying taking a lone for $10K, you are saying you have $20K just sitting around?

EDIT: plus you ain’t driving much on this figure, add some more cash for gas

take the 20 grand and spend it on education then. It will pay off faster and allow you to have WAY more fun in the future.

I don’t care what you do now, you will make way more with an education.

While what you make now might seem like a lot, typically, the pay scale for a degreed job increases at a much faster rate than a non-degree job. Trust me, i just got an awesome raise today.


take the 20 grand and spend it on education then. It will pay off faster and allow you to have WAY more fun in the future.

I don’t care what you do now, you will make way more with an education.


Smartest thing said in this thread


take the 20 grand and spend it on education then. It will pay off faster and allow you to have WAY more fun in the future.

I don’t care what you do now, you will make way more with an education.

While what you make now might seem like a lot, typically, the pay scale for a degreed job increases at a much faster rate than a non-degree job. Trust me, i just got an awesome raise today.


can’t argue with this at all.

work education into your life first, then go looking for cars.


I’m sorry but my car purchase does not revolve around my dick.
I could care less if I don’t get laid living at my parents house…to this date, that has not been a problem.

P.S I’d rather be driving a nice car, than be getting laid.
(okay…to an extent)


i was not really makeing the pen15 a big deal but it is one to think about …

I made the mistake of getting my toys when I was younger. I somewhat regret what I did. I’ve had fun, and it’s all working out as I have a good plan in place now, and I am selling my toys, buying a reliable, slow car, and getting a degree, so I can one day move up and buy a nice home, and own a nice new car with no worries.

Newman is right on with what he is saying.


take the 20 grand and spend it on education then. It will pay off faster and allow you to have WAY more fun in the future.

I don’t care what you do now, you will make way more with an education.

While what you make now might seem like a lot, typically, the pay scale for a degreed job increases at a much faster rate than a non-degree job. Trust me, i just got an awesome raise today.


I agree with newman.
Unless what you are doing now is a career or a good foot in the door to a career, Go to school.
Awesome raises ftw.


the only problem i see, is unless you are paying straight cash for this, you are locking yourself into something. Sure, you can afford to make 500 dollar a month payments now (when your parents pay the rent, buy the TP, pay the utilities, and wash your undies, etc)… but when you DO want to move out, and your expenses triple, quadruple, w/e… then where will you be? As much as you like your parents, i don’t think that you’ll want to live with them for very much longer…

What are you going to school for?


I couldn’t have said it better…

Can we stop talking about my finances and start arguing about the cars…

Hypothetically speaking I am 25 yrs old and have a good job.


your not though :-p… i choose m3… if money is not an issue…

Vote for new Dos

lotus…just so i can get a ride in it


Can we stop talking about my finances and start arguing about the cars…

Hypothetically speaking I am 25 yrs old and have a good job.



ok i’ll start.

you’ve already ruled out the 350/g35 so that’s out.

the lotus, not as practical, but obviously very fun to drive and has some potential(even tho it may not be as easy as other cars)

the stook(which i think is your best bet) is very fun to drive, has strong aftermarket support (yay honda) and has the obvious reliability backing it up.

m3, i personally just would’nt go for it, although it would be the most practical car.

go stook…