NHL Draft **now the official NHL OFFSEASON thread**

You’ve got it backwards. The long standing rumor was Nolan tapped Hasek’s wife.

Who know’s if it’s true, but at least spread the right rumor if you’re going to spread one. :wink:

home opener against Montreal. Friday October 10th

Thats what I thought.

here is the schedule:


all right another home opener loss.

whaat? we can beat montreal

Jan 1st is going to be a day spent watching hockey and drinking beer. Woooo!

miller signs 5-yr extension


Haven’t seen any mention of dollar amounts yet.

i see mike weber on the roster on sabres.com, anyone know if he is signed as a sabre only and not for farm team? is this a silly question

we also resigned clark macarthur and mark mancari


im guessing around 30 million.

6.25 per year


:picard: is on the move again.