NHL Draft **now the official NHL OFFSEASON thread**


so this is fucked up

remember how not that long ago a whole fucking season got cancelled in short b/c jagr had an 8 million dollar contract?

check out those sundin reports…apparently two teams offering him over 10 mill/season

thats fucking STUPID

10 mil…HA


i really think the NHL should have a much lower maximum individual player salary…

it should be like 7% of the max cap figured.

cmon orpik or rolston :wiggle:





feel like i read this already, but quick scan yielded nothing so here it is(again possibly)

Minnesota Wild sign UFA forward Andrew Brunette (undisclosed

i got that one with the zidlicky trade a while back

10 million for Mats? I’m officially done with this thread for the rest of the day. I’d rather read all this at once tomorrow and be pissed off for a short period of time than keep reading stupidity all day long and being pissed all day.

oh wait, don’t go yet, one more good one before i’m out for the day on this



the pens decide they can’t afford to keep hossa, but think they can sign MEGA-OVERPRICED JAGR? sooooooooooo dumb

pens talking to jagr

after this and Sundin rumors, i think im with Jay. jesus.

Canucks offering 2 years at 20 mil for Sundin per sportsnet


lol, had to

lol damnit

oh geez… i’m ok with them wanting to get sundin but not offering THAT much


Miettinen to the Sabres (E4)

“Antti is getting some serious, serious offers…”

  • Eklund


Miettinen isn’t a bad role player, altho we have enough forwards as it is… maybe this means buffalo is close to moving a forward for a defenseman in another trade

^^ was thinking that too