NICKALERO HAS WHAT?! DMV Experts enter here!

But you said “new bike”, he’s your roommate but lives an hour away. If no one else can see that you’re the biggest fucking liar by now they’re blind.

Magically the bike was dumped TWO DAYS ago? You were talking about it in present tense in the other thread.

Someone in college can’t keep a bike at his parents house? Negged for being a poor reader.

My intention was to play off the new bike as a trade plus cash, but seeing as everyone thought the old bike was a lie I’m not going to start lying now and get called out more. IE buying time until I got the new bike.

The lies will never stop. This is why nobody wants to be your friend, not because you got drunk and fucked up.

-LKSi (jacked b-ri’s name)

Nick u lie so bad and ya can’t keep your story straight . This just confiirms it . Esp seeing as I can see your edited posts and why u edited it . I’ll have more respect for ya if ya own u lied now than keeping this going .

Done here. Tried to come clean with what happened, you’ve all made up your minds already.

If anyone wants to ride when I’m back in NY let me know, other than that nothing left to say here.

This is fucking absurd

So r u gonna resign as a mod or should we discuss this another way ?

ooo burnnnn

Werd. Should be no more mod team for him.

  1. Calling the cops over a bullshit phone call.
  2. Lying about the Ninja 250. One, he said he took a photo and posted it, which I found to be the photo the “seller” was using.
  3. Lying about God knows what else.
  4. Something else because I prefer even number lists.

Just went through and un-edited all of his posts in this thread. FML it was a pain in the ass… The kid edited some posts as many as seven fucking times.

omg hahahahaha

oh wow

Haha what is wrong with this kid… Nothing funnier than a pathogical liar.

this fucking guy

It’s too much. :rofl I can think of a few ways to dump a bike at an intersection. Too much POWA, lifting the front wheel, and going over. Or you could brake too hard and lock em up and go for a slide, or you could just drop it through the corner like a retard because it’s too heavy.

This is a beginners bike so I’m ruling out the powa and heavy options. I’ve also ridden one, so I’m ruling out the brakes as well, because I tried to lock it up and was damn near standing on the rear with no luck. :rofl

YOU ARE A MOTHER FUCKING LIAR KID. Get used to being labeled as such. I can tell you every detail about every bike I’ve owned, I have pictures or video of all of them as well, along with all but one car. You straight up lie. It’s pathetic.

First bike was an R1. Knew I was gonna die so I sold it. :rofl

You crash a 250 after 3 days of owning it, don’t ever get on 2 wheels again.

Unless all this shift drama has made you not want to live…

(assuming you actually had a 250)

My first was an r6, then cbr600rr, Got rid of both because I’m too young to die.

im currently riding my Ducati 1199 while typing this post in the snow

Yea I don’t wanna go to your funeral breh