Night season pass at Holiday Valley... any discounts available?

Looking to buy an adult night season pass for HV… it’s 370 bucks… not bad at all. But are there any discounts that I can apply to this to make it any cheaper?



You went to UB right Newman?

Not exactly a season’s pass but cheaper.

Can’t UB alumni get the Shussmeister(sp?) pass?

Edit - damnit Josh.

I really like schussmeister’s pass. It allows you to visit many different locations so it keeps the trails fresh. Even though KB kind of sucks it’s still fun to go, especially since it is so much closer.

:stuck_out_tongue: pillows

I can get the schussmeister’s but honestly don’t have any interest in going anywhere local but HV.

Understandable. I’m thinking about making bi-weekly trips upstate this season.

That’s an awful lof of driving…

4.5ish hours each way really isn’t that bad. Especially for the change in quality for snowboarding.

there may be a student discount and all you need to provide is a student ID I think. Might have to check the website on that one. I actually did look at the website and didnt see anything for students but it might be worth asking down there at customer service.

what mountians are you planning on going to? I used to go up that way in HS

I would make the 4+ hour drive to Stowe and Jay when living in Albany.


WNY doesn’t offer much as you all know.

Upstate NY mountians aren’t really as good as the northern Vermont mountains. Good intermediate though.

For sure.

Still figuring that out. I’ve only ever been to whiteface. Suggestions?

Ahh yes Iceface, only good with some recent snowfall. Gore is alright but they have a similar problem, it can get icy, plus they don’t have night boarding.

I need to go there for some mountain biking. $30 for a full day. F yes.

I skied at Kissing Bridge all last season, it was not horrible, but left much to be desired, is Holiday Valley worth the extra distance and the cost over Kissing Bridge? FWIW KB is 20 minutes from me, yes it takes almost as long to ride the lift as it does to get there. I miss being in Albany and having a plethora of good skiing within 3 hours.