Nike Plus NYSpeed Challenge. JOIN.

There is a circle where I live which is ~1.4 miles, so I just run around that, I’m going to try to make it 2 times around tonight… if I can make it a little further, that would be my first 5k :smiley:

why run when u can drive.

yea my block is pretty much a mile (1.05 to be exact haha) so that comes in handy when i don’t wanna go too far away from home, altho it looks like we finally are gonna get a break from the rain

so what do i need just the nike sportband?

hmm yea good question, i need to buy something dont i haha

You got it… to log your miles, you need either the ipod thing(29 bux at finishline) or the sportband. With either of those, you can log your runs online, set goals and challenges. I know Poopra posted a pic of his runs, here is mine…

damnit haha looks like i wont be able to update that yet then… can i just post in here? :stuck_out_tongue:

HA! That’s the only way I’ll be able to stay ahead of you.

word^ If you can’t monitor your pace and heart rate, it’s easy to slip off the required pace to hit your goals. You feel as if you are going at a good clip but the different between 4.7 and 5.2 when you are dead tired is absolutely negligible. A true monitor will keep you on pace and keep you improving :tup:

distance running is for fggts.

I see 4 people in so far :slight_smile:

nice easy 3 miles today, i’m not baller enough to own a tracking device, but is my friend :stuck_out_tongue:

I missed my 3 miles last night… I’ll do my 3 tonight :slight_smile:

see, and you were saying just yesterday that 1.5 miles was alot, nice step up :tup: i plan on doing 4 tonight when it cools off a bit

Pretty soon you guys are gonna look like this!

haha impossible, i may be skinny but not like THAT! hockey keeps a good balance for me :stuck_out_tongue:

I bought one of these stupid things last night and it doesn’t work :frowning:

weaksauce! How does it not work??

I heard stories of the units not lasting very long, batteries in the shoe transmitter die and you cant replace them. If you buy it in the apple store you can just exchange it for a brand new one without any hassle if it dies before the warranty expires which I think is a year. Its only 30 bucks so if it lasts a yr thats fine for me.

I think I will have time to get a run in today after work, maybe 2 laps in the park. This challenge should motivate me somewhat.

Werd… I want to be able to run a greater distance which is why I created this :tup: