Ninety1two40's 240sx

So you cut stickers for me :facepalm

we got stickers already son!

I think he loves you steve

Is anybody else really really hard right now?

omg samsies1!!1:excited

last i talked to him he was unsure when he was getting them.
pipe down jon.

Had 1stgen align my car yesterday (handles like a wet dream :lol) and it has been running perfect for a couple days now. I’m going to load up the Apexi software on my laptop and check out the tune ect.

Tom and I check out the rear diff and I’ll be pulling it apart during the winter and attempting to rebuild it myself unless Boxersix can find time to check it out.

WTF i thought you just had it rebuilt?!?!?!

yeah srsly what goin on here? :wierd

still whines

How is it mounted to the car? My stocker never made any noise, put solid bushings in and it’s like a mothafukken straight cut gear box sound now.

I don’t know if its as bad as last time…

But I’ve heard that Kaaz lsd’s tend to wine a little bit (it is a kaaz irrc?)

Plus with solid rear subframe bushings your going to hear a bit of a wine

Whines and clunks. Not the axles. I’m going to swap in a ford 9".

no rubber bushings anywhere. It whines more than it should with aluminum bushings. Gear lash isnt set right, and i might need a new gear set. I’ll proceed to drive the balls off it until I tear it out this winter.

Me too! :lol

Ahh its clunking again to?

If it was just whineing id say that pretty normal as any car ive been in with Solid rear subs you tend to hear it wine a little bit

but yea I remember when I took the 240 for a spin when u first got it in when it was doing that it sounded like the rear end was gonna fall out … hmm sounds oddly familar :ponder

Same gear set.

It whines loud enough that with the radio up quite high you can still kinda hear it, I know what Im talking about, its louder than it should be.

Im not trying to say you dont :hug3

I dident know if it was loud and nasty like last time… i took it as its just whineing a little bit

Yeah thats deff not right… I thought u went thru and change the gearset and everything this time… which is why i wasnt exspecting you to say its ridiculously loud and clunky… I thought it was just a little whine…

but yea that fuckin blows

sorry to hear it man! But I know you better than believing you’re going to put Ford parts under it. - I know how much you like to keep fixing it & the Ford stuff would fix it!!! :rofl:rofl :thumbup

Your stock/welded didn’t make the same noise?

You know it Wayne, FORD FTL. DJ Go Fuck Yourself :rofl I’m gonna get a new diff case/ output shafts ect and pump the megamix in it this winter :rofl