Ninety1two40's 240sx

165/30/22 on 22x8 et 56 wheels from what i’ve heard


Trailer Status!!

:lol beat me to it!

Word!? Same as my Cannondale! Race ya! :lol

looks like they ended up fitting decent!!!

Yeah not too bad, thanks for cutting them Wayne! I ended up hammering the rolled edge on an anvil to flatten it out, worked out great!

Steve you aint fuckin around kid.

I’m trying to get this thing together by April time frame, cutting it close!

I bet I’ll have my car done first.

I have like 1/4 the amount of work to do though. :rofl

i dunno man, i think i got you all beat for pushing the time frame envelope

Get it, Frame? LAWL

Any progress on that roof hole? :lol And yes I got the frame joke.

The roof is all cut and drilled, I was dicking around and cracked my plexi so I have to pick up another piece.

Here’s a pic before I drilled the holes:


Cool, cool. I know I have passed you before on Rt20, but I have never seen the car up close. Look forward to meeting you this year.

Yeah Im sure we’ll meet up at some event!

Make plexi glass easily removeable

A) Chicks love to stand up and make asses out of themselves and flash bystanders

B) Makes fucking inside of car much easier with more headroom.

C) Will leak like a sonofabitch


leave a bolt or 2 out of it, saves weight and acts as drainage for leakage :slight_smile: