Nissan Eprom tuning

so iv been thinkin about getting into tuning via live edit. the biggest reason being that its cheaper than going full stand alone and i dont have redic power goals, so it shouldent be a problem.

what im wondering is tho is there anyone on the board that alrdy does this?? if not how many nissan guys would be interested? theres a few diff programs that are needed to tune some ecu’s like sr’s and such but its still all available. so yea, guys with Z’s, 240’s, sentras, w/e u got would you be interested in this

i dont have any aftermarket work done to my car but i’de prolly let u mess around with it. wat mods would i need to the ecu?

all that needs to be done to the ecu is a socket would need to be added, which makes it so u can put chips in and replace them without soldering. i dont know if i would want to tackle doing that untill i practice more with soldering on boards, but electrical repair shops will do it for like 10bucks iv heard. from there it as simple as take your mods, or watever you want to change and finding the files online or making them. thens ron of .bins online, free to download, for all types of setups, and u can adjust things like speed and rev cut, boost cut, boost psi, tune for bigger injectors, tune for free flow exhuast and intake. its not as great as a full stand alone but does not cost much at all, sockets are liek $2 and chips are like $1, and if your not using a file from online you would obviously have to pay for dyno time and would need liek a wideband

my solder skills are on point, ill take my chances with iron and do the install myself but i dont think it would do much on my stock na z. maybe if i get some mods we can mess with it

yea def, like i said, im just kinda getting a feel for interest here

how much for the program??
i got an sr

i havent looked into it yet, but when i do ill let ya kno

ooho ooohooh oooooh i would…ur tuning if good has to be cheaper than 600 for stillen or technosquare ecu upgrades

yea, im going to pick up a spare ecu 4 my motor, just to be the 1st test, but ill b willing to learn to do w/e, and no not expensive at all, i mean ill basically wana make the money back for wat the romulator will cost me, and chips and sockets of course. i would estimate like maybe 40bucks for a chip that i can just d/L and burn on the info, and do minor changes, but like totally custom stuff would obviously more

i would be wiling to pay upto like 200…because 200>600 when getting ECU tunned…plus i can pick up a spare and just plug in the new one so u can take ur time

VQ30 motor by the way

wat would u be looking to get tuned for? liek wat mods do you have

not much…jsut adjusting a/f and fuel maps…possilby timing

there is free software to edit nissan roms.

guess who has it?


wow, you guys are quick. i can’t put anything past you kids :slight_smile:

(this link will work at 9 am)

NOW… whoever buys/bought realdeal or whomevers ecu that was for sale, damn sure better pop the chip out, and bring it to me to dump… or i will have to kill hostages.

yea tons of them are free. what do you have tho zerodaze? just romeditor? or is it your own personal software?? iv heard liveedit is really nice to work with. if you do have all the stuff tho id be interested in your services, also, if you do not have quite a few resources for roms. would your software be able to do that? like this guy has a bunch of files for my ecu, with all diff types of mods so would you be able to use them?

all i know is that an ECU upgrade for a maxima is hella expensive so like i said if anyone is under 200 bux ill be talkin to u

zerodaze…i downloaded the program but when i try to load the maps i get a error…and wont load…something about it being crowded any help

lots of ka-t guys are goin with this
usb/windows based tuning = no burning horseshit.

ever consider megasquirt/spark?

just get an eprom emu (ostrich) from for 175.

as for the person with the issue opening roms, you need to load the address file first.