No Bass Pro in Buffalo.

As opposed to driving where to buy fishing/hunting supplies? Other than Dick’s there isn’t shit in wny and Dicks is crap compared to Bass pro. While it was pretty obvious for awhile now that it would not happen, if it was built people would go. All the guys I know who are into fishing have no problem driving 2 hours to Auburn to visit one, they just combine it with a outing on one of the many lakes in CNY.

I understand that their are hunters and fishers in Buffalo, but enough to keep a store like Bass Pro up and running?

this. That shit would have been closed in 2-3 years

Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea the amount of people that fish and hunt in WNY?

I wish Bass pro opened something on the lake, with a dock and some fuel pumps so guys could pull up on a boat. That would kick ass.

Instead Buffalo gets nothing, like usual. Stagnant, ever plunging into the dark obis of a dieing failing city.

WNY is a world wide famous fishing destination. It’s just that it’s local residents not into fishing have no clue about it. It’s kinda like niagara falls (the natural wonder of the world not the shit hole), how many times have you been to see it even though it’s at hour drive from most of us at most.

obis= abyss?

I am trying to decide which is better in 5 years, an empty BassPro building or the same pile of rubble we have now because you know NOTHING is going to happen down there.

One of the harbor people just said on the news that no company will move there without getting free money. That was a really smart thing to say.

I don’t get the big hoopla surrounding a stupid sporting goods store anyways. If buffalo is such a world class fishing destination, then why isn’t Gander Mountain packed? Every time I go there, there is no one in the store. Its a niche market in a declining population area of the country.

If you owned Bass Pro, would you bring one to Buffalo? Not in a second…

We were in Vegas a few weeks ago, I drove right by their Bass Pro… Nobody gives a shit, its a sporting goods store.

If they want to pursue a company, get Ikea to come here. Plenty of people here are broke, and will like their cheap furniture and 99 cent meatballs.

Or maybe they should build a super super walmart, that seems to be the only thing that gets built here in WNY.


An easy way to identify an up in coming neighborhood or a upper middle class - upper class neighborhood is to look at how many Starbucks are around. There is very few in WNY. We favor the $1.00 double doubles from Timmy Hos.

Have you ever been in a bass pro?

Yes, the two of them in Ohio. It reminded me of a large Dick’s Sporting Goods, only they sell Boats and ATV’s… They were both nice stores, but city folk just don’t get it.

I’d be all for bringing Bass Pro here…just not in that location. Remember when Krispy Kreme came here? Everyone in the city had a boner for them and you couldn’t even get near the place. Now…they are all gone, I think the same would happen to Bass Pro.

Like I said, I know Buffalo is an up-and-coming fishing destination for out of towners and locals alike. I know we have a nice sized hunting population. I just don’t see the turn around to support that big of an investment. They’d be better off with more bars and restaurants (not that they are needed) down there.

It’s not “up-and-coming”. It’s already big. Bass Pro would be a great addition, but not if we have to S their D’s and pay millions of dollars to get them to open a store. Fuck them.

I’d be willing to bet that Tim Hortons but Krispy Kream under. The hayday of Krispy was the pre-horton’s days for sure.

That and Krispy didn’t serve a decent cup of coffee!

not to mention tear down a building and wait 6 years.

Krispy Kream sucked so hard it’s not even funny. The donuts were terrible and it just wasn’t what Timmy’s is.

I’d like to see Comp USA come back to buffalo personally.


fucking 95% of people on here hadnt even hit puberty yet when Bass Pro was first announced to be coming to Buffalo

We got our Bass Pro!!! …Well I mean it was Cabella’s but, YEAH!!!

I like Bass Pro a lot more than Cabela’s so I’m pretty happy about this.

I’m confused.