The Latest On Bass Pro

You may be tired of hearing about Bass Pro coming to downtown Buffalo soon.

2 On Your Side’s Josh Boose sat down with the new chairman of the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation to get some answers on when we’ll see Bass Pro moving in.

It’s a plan that’s been in the works for years, Bass Pro moving in to downtown Buffalo.

“We’ve made too many missteps in this community in the past,” said Jordan Levy, chairman of the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation. “We don’t want to do that again.”

But where does the deal stand now?

Boose asked Levy, “Are there any sticking points?” “No, there are absolutely no sticking points,” said Levy. "Bass Pro is totally committed to this project. Benderson Development is absolutely in lock step with Bass Pro. There are some things that will continue to work on all the time. "

Levy said things like maintaining the historic feel of the waterfront and meeting with community groups and local leaders for input. Bottom line; there’s more work left to be done.

“People want us to rush and we want to get it right,” said Levy. “But as a result, we are going to get it right. It is getting done and the proof is in the pudding. People will just have to wait and see and they will judge us by that.”

2 On Your Side spoke with Congressman Brian Higgins about the latest with Bass Pro. He says, while Bass Pro deals are being finalized, construction is continuing on the water’s edge. Over the last 18 months, he said, there’s been some considerable change on the waterfront to prepare it for the future.

2 On Your Side contacted Bass Pro. No one was available for comment.

-Personally I dont give two shits about Bass Pro…but I am sick and tired of hearing about this fucking project…I think eventually they will bail and never close this deal.

Its okay, the grain elevators will revive this city. Just you wait!


-Personally I dont give two shits about Bass Pro…but I am sick and tired of hearing about this fucking project…


If you are so tired of hearing about Bass Pro, then why bother starting a thread?

fuck the glorified bait shop…

i want to fish in doors. bring on bass pro!


If you are so tired of hearing about Bass Pro, then why bother starting a thread?


Because it continually comes up as news…and I not one:whogives:


Because it continually comes up as news…and I not one:whogives:


but now it will constantly be on NYSpeed… YOU won’t let us get away from hearing about it.


Its okay, the grain elevators will revive this city. Just you wait!


hahahaha I was just telling an out of towner all about those…stupid Buffalo

I gave up on Buffalo ever making a right decision after they sued the Seneca’s because they wanted to build their casino in Cheektowaga instead of Buffalo, won, then turned around and sued the Seneca’s to stop them from building the casino in Buffalo.

lol, :frowning:

They were just transporting a huge boat from the lake to the old aud or somewhere today or yesterday to put in front of the bass pro shop. I would love to see bass pro back out and then we just have a boat lying in the middle of downtown as another example of all the unfinished projects Buffalo never completes.


I gave up on Buffalo ever making a right decision after they sued the Seneca’s because they wanted to build their casino in Cheektowaga instead of Buffalo, won, then turned around and sued the Seneca’s to stop them from building the casino in Buffalo.


Because people are fucking idiots and refuse to adapt to change. They bitch and moan about how the city is going to shit and all the good jobs are moving from this area…they always focus on the negative shit that can “potentially” come with a new casino…more gambling and crime…but these same fuck-tards drive their fat asses to Canada or Niagara falls to gamble…and bitch how Clifton Hill has Blown up in the last few years and nothing but shit is happening here locally :deadhorse:

If you find a 1940’s Chevy pickup truck in the middle of a field with a tree growing through the engine bay, windows busted, and not a single straight fender…Most people wouldn’t give it a second look let alone put any money into it. Those who have the ability to see the potential of this vehicle would invest a bit of time and money into it and make it a head turning street machine.

We need more politicians with a passion for rotting cars if we ever want to see buffalo with a great waterfront.

^ werd…the entire region needs new blood…not only Buffalo. Look at Niagara Falls…A chipmunk humping a walnut is an attraction these days…not much else going on there…Winter gardens used to be one of my favorite places to go during Xmas…not anymore since they gutted it and closed the mall. No new businesses in their right mind would come and setup shop.