Ok everyone here’s another jiggsaw for ya. I already think I know what it is, just gathering ideas before demolition starts. Scenario: Took the teg to the track with my DOT drag radials and was doing my normal beating the piss out the car routine. Anyways I noticed on my second or third pass I had lost reverse…well wouldnt let me in rather. 1-5 are solid and go into gear with ease. No noises or problems besides no Reverse. Fluid is fresh and full, shift linkage is not bent. Im thinking bent shift forks but obviously not sure. Are 1st and reverse tagged up or is it 5th and reverse? Tried everything to get it into reverse. whats your thoughts?

it’s 5th and rev.

My guess is you either broke the reverse change lever inside the tranny, or somehow popped it’s shaft out of it’s holder…hmm I said shaft. shaft.

Drain the fluin and look for shavings…then open her up and see for yourself.

even tho i havent been in 5th in prob a year…how would it effect reverse? would hard launches jar it enough to fuck shit up?

I didn’t think so, but maybe it’s possible.

I’m not really sure, but I find it odd that nothing else in the tranny has an issue.

Have someone step on the clutch while you look at the slave cylinder…see if it’s pushing the shift fork all the way…

good call…ill let you kno…i think i have a cheapo on there from when it was a DD

does it grind like the synchros are out or does it go into the position where R woudl be but you let out the clutch and it does nothing? ive seen where you have to shut the car off shift it into R and then start it back up and use R then shift to your other gears.

no it doesnt grind. it just doesnt go in period…like im locked out. I tried rocking the car, puting it in first then reverse, fourth then reverse, car shut off ect…

checked all fluids and master/slave all working properly…ordered oem ones just to rule them out.

open diff?

quaife LSD w/competition clutches stage 5 4puk

who needs reverse…

thats what i said! so im still driving it…just have to watch where i pull in so i dont get stuck and need reverse!

i drove my maxima like that for about a year and a half. its actually not that bad but you do have to remember to pay damn good attention to where you park.

ya…lol i already fucked up! i parked on a downhill grade and the only way out was REVERSE!.. :slight_smile: so i kinda just went through a yard and back out onto the road…lol downpipe and inline fuel pump didnt like it to much…i bet the neighbors prob didnt like me driving through their yard to much either. o well the shit you will do just to go fast!

buy a DSM then we’ll talk.

wait till your starter quits and you have to roll it to get it started, that’s where you really have to pay attention to where you park. :smiley:

good luck getting it fixed

The tranny i have now didnt go into reverse when i got it. I had to open it up and round the edge of the gear down because it wasnt meshing at all. Idk you could be having the same problem.

ya i think im going to just deal with it untill winter and pull it and just put MFactory gear sets and rebuild it again!

check your cables under the center console where they meet your shifter. my dsm wouldn’t go into reverse and thats what corrected it. the arm on the tranny wasn’t moving enough to engage reverse, so I adjusted the cables and worked like a charm.

someone want to correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure the only cables under the center consel are the ones to adjust the emergency brake…/