No Shave November.

yea buddy:


This was me Nov 1st. Been too lazy to upload the pic…,500

From this morning. I’m past the itchy point where I usually shave but I’m starting to look like a bum :lol

Officially feeling like a bum and have reached neckbeard status. My girlfriend says she’s gonna put chewing gum on my face while I sleep so I have to shave.

My progress you all need help

I’m german/irish with light hair. I’m at a serious beard disadvantage. You are a hairy mofo.

i bailed. got too itchy.

whats wrong with your eye?



HAHA, i crossed it on purpose lol. Ill put up a normal pic of my current progress today

Wonky eye!

Wonk gone!

Yes I’m wearing a robe.

That is ridiculous :lol

I <3 Beards

According to this thread you grow a mean one too.

Wait till I post my “progress pic”.

I got ya beet

some men scare me

I mean sketchy looks like he wants to give me a baby, but Red looks like he gonna eat my baby. Why you wanna do that yo.
