Hahaha…wish I could grow a beard that didn’t make me look like Santa…off to shave;)
Man up. No shaving.
i couldnt keep it going, my neck starts ithcing and then i feel like an asshole
but it grows back every 20 hours so it looks like i havent shaved in a year
I have 2 patches of hair on my neck that are bothering me. They look/feel awkward as FUCK.
ya fuck that, if i took a pic now i’de beat half of you iun this game already and i shaved less than a week ago
pic pic pic haha same for me shave, go to bed, wake up, and people tell me im homeless wtf
u got me beat by alot but elliot aint got shit one me, i’de post a pic but too lazy
word haha well that was with a 3 day head start on this month
saw sketchy’s in person… it’s pretty good for the half way mark
i will never try to claim my facial hair grows fast, and i love that, i shave once a week usually.
I’m having itching stage 2…giving honest thought to shaving it. I look like a bum.
NOTE TO PEOPLE WITH ITCHING FACES! Put lotion on your beard and massage into the skin its seems stupid but it works. Also I have had a beard for going on 6 years. After shaves work also but not as well as lotion. The itching only last for a couple days get over it. Stop being a bunch of pussies.
My beard may be weak but my baby soft hair has never itched at all while growing. I’m gonna shave mine into friendly muttons temporarily after the end of the month.
Bunch of wussies ITT. :dunno
Co-op interview coming up so its going now for a reason. Made it 23 days since I forgot to shave on the 31st…
how did you get 23 days by the 16th? hmm cool world. lol
Cheating :lol I shave every 6 days and haven’t shaved since the 25th of October. I forgot to shave on the 31st since I had a test that morning and wasn’t home all day. So I just let it keep growing.
Well I quit my job, so I can continue not shaving… but I hadn’t shaved on the 31st either. Who wants to keep it going into decembeard with me?
I will continue decembeard, unless I do decemstash instead…