No Shave November.

im happy my job(s) havent said shit about it yet. it looks terrible.

After decembeard there is always manuary…

In til March

In til Dec. 1st lol. My body is not meant for a beard its 2 tone and predominently on my neck.

i have a beard more than not anyways, i get lazy and shave once a month lol

i was gonna go till march too, at least try, then it’s mustache march so i figured some huge mutton chops and fu man chu for the begining of the month and end the month with a hitler stash, figure it will go well with the history of germany class i’m taking spring semester.

pic from yesterday:

Hitler ruined the little mustache for everyone.


Yeh ive decided to let it grow as long as possible i had to trim it for my wedding back in Oct. Facial hair length was almost 2 inches

I wanna get some just for black men and dye it. Then just leave a nice creeper 70’s porn stash.

if anyone asks, i’m a charlie chaplin fan

Week three, half blonde half red haha. I’m seriously beard impaired.

bro u suck at growing a beard, thats a good thing.

I cut mine off today it was driving me nuts, 9 days or something I was like 4 times as hair as you above

WAT :expressionless:


my bad

This has definitely been the longest I’ve gone w/o shaving my face.

why are the women on the forum not growing reverse beards and posting pics. I feel jipped letting my face get all hairy.

Like dis?

Last day of November :frowning: not sure if I want to just trim and keep it since it takes me forever to grow facial hair… Also the half red and half black is awesome

Here’s my “resullts” beards are not for me. The bedhead adds to the “I may go postal look” looking forward to shaving and cutting my hair for sure.

Last day status.

I still dont plan on shaving tho.