No Tickets in Peel

As you may have noticed from the article, Peel Police will only be handing out warnings as of midnight tonight. This may be a good time to exceed the speed limit in tandem with another motor vehicle in a competitive manner. If you know what I mean :wink:

:N :N :N

any1 up for a cruise???

im in!!!

thats only for uniformed police:P


LOL, I don’t know what you do over in SALT St. Marie, but in the GTA we like to make jokes and **** around.
And it said uniformed, not un-uniformed.
Not that it matters anyway, I threw this out mostly as a conversation topic. If you must know, I don’t street race, but I drive my car like I stole it on a daily basis, and I’m proud of it too.
So nyah =P

Edit: Sadly, people on SON seem to be more laid back and mature about this. What is my intarweb coming to?