Peel Region Officers Start Job Action

Well, well, well. What do you all think of this portion:

"lthough they haven’t walked off the job, uniformed officers are refusing to work overtime and will issue warnings for traffic violations instead of tickets.

Personally, I think Peel officers give modified car owners a lot of grief compared to York, Durham and Metro police. I’m breathing a sigh of relief.

Baaalllerrrr!! I’m def doing a top speed run in the G tonight after midnight.

Haha yeah, ANARCHY!

Or, it’s a trap. :lol:

All this BS is overrated, who stops for police anyway?

^^^ LOLOL ^^^

police were out like mad today. i dont know if it was just me, but coming back on the QEW from Oakville to Mississauga i saw more cops than any other day…to the point it was noticeable. also saw many random spot checks here and there … dont know what it means though

i drove past 22 devision on main street in brampton a few daays ago and there were So many people hanging outside wiht umbrellas i was like wtf are these people doing, they had no signs or anything and i was confused, then i seen about 17 or so cruizers at tim hortons at shoppers world. and i was like oh man as i rolled by with my “more then legal” exhaust . then i relized they were on strike, i gave it shit out of the parking lot and all the cops just sat there, i was so happy. its kinda like telling your boss to fuck off and to suck a dick

and going back to work on monday like nothing happend.