okay i had a CEL for the VTEC pressure switch. well i checked the sensor, it was open so i replaced it, re-did the wiring because it was shitty and VTEC doesnt engage. i let the car warm up and get oil pressure but still nothing. i also tried wiring a4 to d6 which eliminates the sensor and still nothing, anyone have any ideas?

Do you have a pressure gauge? What’s your pressure. Do you still have the CEL on? Was the ECU reset? Check your wiring again.

no pressure gauge, no CEL i reset the ecu, and the wiring is good.

is the oil pressure low? I know Vtec wont engage if it is.

actually figured it out today, the wires for the VSS by the resistor box somehow de-pinned themselves, so i fixed the wiring, now my speedometer and VTEC work lol