North Hills SCC 2008 Auto-X Schedule

No numbers for this, just come on out and run.

  1. Do I need a helmet for the school. If so, where’s a local place that I could go and check/try some on?

Per the website.
“Helmets & Numbers:
At all of NHSCC autocross events participants will be required to have a Snell 85 or newer helmet. DOT helmets are not allowed. Make sure you have the proper helmet before attending one of our events, because loaner helmets are not available.” Locally you can give these guys a call they are run out of a home up in Gibsonia and are really great people to deal with when it comes to safety gear. Aside from Snell 85 rated helmets, a “M” rated helmet for a motorcycle will also work. So if you know anyone with a bike you might be able to borrow theirs for the day. I think some others on here have bought helmets locally from various retail stores maybe they can chime in.

  1. How strict are the tech inspections? I have a set of rims with sticky tires that have some uneven wear on inside tread of two of the tires, and I’d rather run them than trash my Enkeis. Just curious to know if they would pass.

As long as there are no cords showing on the tires you are ok. If the things are really uber bald they might question it, but beyond that a little uneven tire wear should be alright. Make sure the car has current inspection (since the park is public ground all of the cars must be inspected). And obviously make sure you have you license with you. Only other advice I can give with the car is make sure the battery is tight, and leave as many loose items as you can at home since you will have to take them out of the car when you race.

Any other questions fire away!