Not gonna speed so much in NYC anymore...


I didn’t believe it, then my friend from midtown precinct snapped these :



blah blah blah… down shift WOT… gone… lol…

sucks if ur in a car though… ur not going very far…
i do agree those are pretty badass looking for police cars…

150 top speed… IM fucked.

a cop car with rims, OMG

Yeah, well, it’s not going to be AS easy anymore… the cops can get to a position in front of me faster now lol. pesky radios

looks good

Yup, but here is what I don’t get why put a nice car like that in the city?

i heard amherst is getting them too

Hmm, anyone ever see the movie, The Island?

For those of you who haven’t, I’d recommend it if you’re bored and stuck in the house, but anyway, they had black charger “cop” cars w/ black rims and a chrome lip. Those looked pretty badass as well.

Yet another example of bad GM/Ford decisions. GM drops the RWD platform, then Ford has the whole exploding CrownVic thing like they borrowed the gas tank design from the Pinto.

That’s a pretty badass looking cop car. It wouldn’t surprise me if Amherst was getting some.

This just makes me want to be a NY cop more…
I get to suck fuel and donuts

thats bad ass…:tup:

foglights, chrome grille and everything. crazy. I love 'em, and can’t wait for ex-cop versions to start showing up…

oh boy…lol
definitely an upgrade from a crown vic…:stuck_out_tongue:

YOU! Where the hell have you been? I need more scion representation!

i read that most of the V8s are going to the state troopers and such for the highways and only a couple are going to be in the city. Most of the ones in the city will be V6’s

Yeah Ive seen a few of em around, there was one here at ubpd the otehr day from canada, completely unmarked though

Eh, it doesn’t matter :meh:

ur screwed if they have cop gallardos or cop honda insights…even willybeen cant out run the old motorolas