Not only do potholes FCK up our cars...

But there is a catch. You have to prove that the city was negligent. Good luck with that one. The cash strapped city keeps a vice-like grip on compensation and will dole out the cash for repairs only if you can really prove your case. As it turns out not a penny has been given out this year.

City of Toronto

First you have to prove it was the city’s fault. Toronto’s legal department never pays out a claim without a thorough investigation first.

Needless to say, they’d prefer you go through your insurance company first.

If you decide to pursue the complaint, you have to submit it in writing. The claim has to include the time, date and location of the incident, a description of what happened, and a damage estimate.

And don’t wait. Any such bid for compensation has to be done, in the city’s underlined words, “immediately”.

Address your note to:

City Clerk’s Office,
City Hall,
100 Queen Street West,
M5H 2N2

Fax: (416) 392-1867

Or you can email:

But even then you’re not finished. Two weeks later, you’ll get another letter in the mail acknowledging receipt of your complaint and if it’s found valid, you’ll then receive yet another form to fill out.

For more information, call (416) 397-4212.

Ontario Highways

The needs are similar to the city, but the envelope or email goes somewhere else.

Mail a comprehensive claim that includes the time, date and location where the damage occurred, and include copies of any relevant documents - like a repair bill or an estimate.

Send it to:

Management Board Secretariat
Risk Management & Insurance Services
700 University Avenue,
6th Floor,
M7A 2S4

Here’s where more government red tape comes in. You can fax the information if you want to (416) 314-4444 - but you have to follow it up with a mailed letter either way. And you may have to wait up to three months for an answer.

Call (416) 314-3445 for more information.

In Other words; Good luck getting anyone to pay for it but yourselves.