NOT WORK SAFE : would u bang my gf?

100% agree dude!

This thread went to shit fast.

HAHA started out strong but quickly realized the danger you could potentially be in.

#2 just cuz i get nervous approaching attractive women…


I roll up on them all J.Bond stylez

Awaiting Halloween pics of said gf.


I am pretty sure Yo wanted to fuck her imo… lol

and Halloween pic of Lauren…

yea, i didnt get to see it either

I read the whole thread and everything i gather is that you would be pissed if other guys tried to get with her. So I don’t know how i’m wrong with my previous statement, but i’d be more pissed if i was with a chick that other dudes didn’t wanna fuck.


im in FL right now and said hot gf is down for the count sick. flu like symptoms. not good.