
what was her name again ?


last novembeard

i think it was TIM

damn brett, growing hair like crazy, sometimes i wish i could grow it crazy, but its a pain in the ass shaving

started about 4 days early, but its all good. if i had kept it going from about 2 weeks ago when i lopped it off it would be pretty good.

4 days in the making…

haha i started like 4 days early and i just dont grow it thick.

my facial hair grows in with a reddish tint and I have blonde hair too

Damnt I want to shave but this could be funny

I haven’t trimmed since last week, so I’m in.

Will post update photo.

got a few days head start, not sure how long I’ll last though

I started last week,ill post pix in the morning

fluffy ill send ya a pic by phone , post it on here man lolol as im retarted and cant figure it out lol

Might wanna shave yours vlad, you look like a terrorist when you dont :rofl


:excited sweet fap material

i sent it to ya now post it bitch lolol

doing it meow

good little bitch "pat pat pat " on your head
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Mine while taking my morning dump