

wow john, hot, loving it, how much for a mustache ride?

Comon johnnyk lets see yours

haha alright looks like ball pubes on my face, but ill get home an upload the pic… looks so bad i may just shave it lmao

DONT DO IT wait til you see what i look like at the end of the month with a half grown stache hahaha

John, youre a classy guy. Johnny, mine comes in like pubes too :lol

dude my stache literally has 2 strands of dark hair and and the rest is peach fuzz circa tdi_logik style.

Mine too LOL



you must grow a delprad beard NOAW!

What are you talking about…that’s what I look like now.

ill post a pic of me doin the mangina so ya can see my curlys

I’m soooooo in on this. I shaved the 30tj before I moved

:rofl Best post in thread.

Im in on this fuck it

Apparantly you’re supposed to be clean shaven at te start? :ponder

I don’t see how having a head start will be “damaging” however.

Anywho, gentlemen we will have some choices at the end of the month.

On the left in the blue shirt

already failed.

shaved tonight.

i got my dad to do it too haha