Novice Bike: Ninja 250R - input/comments

You can respect a grenade all you want, once the pin is pulled it’s going to do it’s thing one way or another.

There IS a reason there are countless articles written on this matter of starting smaller, racers agree with this, MSF teachers teach it, Europe law mandates it.

It’s just a smarter and safer way to get started.

Yes you will die all the same on any bike when you get side swiped, but in general it puts you into more control and smaller bikes are much more forgiving, also giving you a better learning curve.

Good read…

I agree with various points of both sides, that is all :D.

Dude motard for life BRO. I love my KTM. and the 400DRZ-SM is alot cheaper, easier to find and just as fun. it is fun as hell pulling on the back tire of a sport bike in the twisties and they are like where the hell did that dirt bike come from! lol dont underestimate them.

Yep, still riding my first bike. LOL but I am a noob.

:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol best comment in this thread so far.

It still and allways will, come down to the rider. Without the rider, the bike wont move.

Anyone who wants to ride, must know something about riding physics, and machinery. My GF, rides my race quad around trials with me, and can hold her own just fine. Knows enough about the sports from me and learns fast. However, she isnt the best taxi ride in a car if you get my drift. She stops short, doesn’t look very far ahead, isnt very smooth with her maneuvers… basically I always get smacked for back seat driving. I would never put her on a real sport bike, without 2-3 years or more experience. And I am honestly scared to death to let he go out without me riding with her. More so that I wont have a little control over her safety, not as much as I am worried that she will crash on her own. On the other hand, my buddies GF says, “I want to get a bike next year it will be fun.” She doesnt even know what all the “shiny levers do” MOPED for her first bike for sure. Same thing for guy friends, alot of them are just as lost.

I am not claiming to be an expert rider by any means. BUT, I have crashed off road trucks, ATV’s, dirtbikes, sleds, karts, pit bikes, BMX bikes… and I also will be in the front of the pack on the track, trail… will jump stuff others dont even look at… I can do stuff. Last year I bought MY first bike, KTM625SMC. I rode friends, Katana 600, GSXR600, GSXR750, R6, SV650 and the ninja250. The ninja honestly was a pile. out of the bikes I rode, the SV was the easiest to ride. I have my first year under my belt, stayed shiney side up, but made 2 mistakes on my own and recovered, and only took 10 seconds to clear the butterflies out of my stomach. Once a racer, always a racer, no mater what the medium.

I will also give you another honest statement. If I never had the previous experience on all types of other machines. I would not be caught dead, on the streets with a 600cc sport bike. I would be in parking lots, riding around what ever I could get my hands on. then, after I could start, stop, dodge cones, evade shit… I would find GOOD SAFE Experienced friends to take me out on roads with NO traffic. Even with my life experiences I still and always will feel naked, and vulnerable when I am on a bike on the streets. That is probably what will keep me alive too.

Here’s some pics from about a week after I dumped my bike in the spring of 2002… The one time that I go to putt my bike around the block with no jacket or gloves…

Speaking of which anyone see the tards out last week when it was warm out? I must have missed the memo about tires now grip cold pavement, sand, salt, snow runoff… not to mention the people that dont look out for bikes in the summer time, dont expect to see bikes in FEB!

I would def buy a motard for a first bike. It would be tons of fun to ride

yep. light wieght. comfey seating. sorta. cheaper to buy. wayyyyy cheaper to fix. good power and quick. I can stay next to my buddys up to 80 or so from a dig. Handles great… again sticks in the twisties right with a sport bike and good rider. insurance, with collision is like $120 a year!

OHH YEAH, and you can jump it! lol

I don’t expect people to look for me…any time of the year.

lolol if i didnt want a fast bike i would buy a 250cc . i have never ride a 250 untill i went to pick up my wifes . i drove it home and toped it out at a amazing speed of 97 mph lol but if i was not into performance driving i would deff ride one . The 250 is cumfertable and a very nice ride for someone geting to work and home plus its really good on gas. its a a++ bike for a starter bike. my wife has never been on a bike untill last fall but she is a quick learner . i agree with vovchandr on the 250 for saftey . my wife was pulling out of my dads driveway and she put on gloves that were to big and some how gave it way to much gas and did a wheelie across the road into a lawn and kept the bike on 2 wheels and saved it . if that was my bike she would have thru her self off the bike and smashed the bike or worse had the bike flip back on top of her.

wtf dont compare a vw to a 250.

cool i didnt know my r6 was that quick ill have to run it at the valley this year so i dont break the bug

your R6 is that quick w/ a a 130lb professional drag racer on your bike at Atco or E town, i highly doubt you will ever see any 9 sec passes at LVD on a stockish r6.

yea im 220lbs now and on a totally stock r6 but i was thinking it was a 12 second bike i would be happy in the 11s or 10s

i went 11.1 on my buddies box stock gsxr 600 my first and only pass, it deffinatly had 10’s in it. I also weigh 205.

I ran an 11.5 @128 on my 06’ R6.

their are riders who are very well familiar with their capabilities and riding limits, and their are riders who have no clue what so ever and dont use their heads

theirs nothing wrong with starting on a 250 bike. Learn and get control of your limits on that bike and when its time, move up. Everyone hasto start somewhere.


I like the onezie! LOL

Whats a motorcycle?